This is the personal area of David Corfield within the nLab.
I am currently an independent researcher. Email: dcorfield48ATgmailDOTcom.
‘The Role of Analogy in Mathematical Research’, Sub-Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford, 1 May 1995.
‘The Methodology of Mathematics Research Programmes’, Centre for Philosophical Studies, King’s College London, 17 December 1996.
‘Towards a Philosophy of Real Mathematics’, Sigma Club, HPS Dept., Cambridge University, 21 January 1997
‘Argumentation and the Mathematical Process’ at a conference commemorating the 75th anniversary of the birth of Imre Lakatos, Elte University, Budapest, October 30-31 1997.
‘Psychoanalysis, Language and the Brain’, Girton College Cambridge, 28 March 1998.
‘Bayesianism and Mathematical Reasoning’, Bayesian workshop, University of Florence, 28 June 1999.
‘Research Programmes in Mathematics conference, 7 July 1999.
‘Bayesianism in Mathematics’, Philosophical Aspects of Bayesianism conference, King’s College London, 11 May 2000.
‘Higher dimensional algebra: ascending the category theoretic ladder’, Philosophy of Physics Group, University of Oxford, 16 Nov 2000.
Mathematical Research Programmes;, Sigma Club, LSE, 29 January 2002.
‘Higher Dimensional Algebra’, History and Philosophy of Modern Mathematics Conference, Open University, 24 May 2002.
‘Artificial Intelligence in Mathematics’, Response to Alan Robinson, BSPS conference, University of Glasgow, 4 July 2002.
‘Kinds in Mathematics, or Being Kind to Mathematics’, International History and Philosophy of Mathematics Meeting, University of Seville, 18 Sept 2003.
‘Mathematical Laws and Mathematical Kinds’ , University of Cambridge, November 2003.
‘An overview of my work’, Max Planck Institute, Tüübingen, 19-21 January 2004.
‘n-category theory and philosophy’, IMA, University of Minnesota, 11 June 2004.
‘Revitalising the Special Relationship’, University of Hertfordshire, 18 November 2004.
Blending Philosophy of Mathematics and Cognitive Science, Case Western, May 2005 (slides)
NIPS 2006
Between the Philosophy of Science and Machine Learning, NIPS 2011, Philosophy and Machine Learning Workshop, Sierra Nevada, Spain - 17 December 2011 (workshop site)
Last revised on February 21, 2025 at 09:51:16. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.