David Corfield
All pages
The personal wiki of David Corfield has 236 pages.
- 1-2-3
- 2-D semantics
- A Dialogue on Infinity
- active inference and category theory
- Aesthetic Theory and Artistic Practice
- Albert Lautman
- All types
- Amie Thomasson
- An Essay on Man
- An Essay on Metaphysics
- Anderson Todd
- Anonymous
- archetype
- Arrow category
- Bayesianism in Mathematics
- belief
- Between logic and physics
- Bion and Peirce
- Blank 1
- book outline
- Brandom and material inference
- Brandon on modality
- Cassirer or Kuhn
- causality
- change in status of principles
- Chapter 1 A path to a new logic
- Chapter 2 Dependent types
- Chapter 3 Homotopy types
- Chapter 4 Modal types
- Chapter 5 Spatial types
- Charles Peirce, Inference, and Category Theory
- coalgebra
- cocategory
- coercion
- cohomology in mathematics
- cohomology in physics
- Colin McLarty
- Colin Tan
- concrete universal
- condensed
- connection
- Conor McBride
- continuous logic, probability, quantum
- coterm
- counterfactual
- cybernetics
- David Carr
- David Corfield
- Davidson on events
- de dicto-de re
- deduction, induction, abduction
- dependence
- dependency
- dependent types
- Determinism and Indeterminism in Modern Physics
- diagnosis
- Dialectic and Eristic
- differential cohomology
- DisCoCat
- distinguish
- DoR-inferentialism
- Dudley Shapere
- dynamics
- elements
- empty
- endorsements
- Ernst Cassirer
- Event types
- explanation, evidence, cause
- Expressing 'The Structure of' in Homotopy Type Theory
- fact
- Faith and Reason
- first steps
- formal or informal
- free logic
- Freedom from Caprice
- Friedman and DTT
- Friedman's Dynamics of Reason
- Friedman's position
- Friedman's schema
- Gilbert Ryle
- Graded Modalities
- graded modality
- Hasok Chang
- Herbert Schlesinger
- Heuristics
- higher category theory as revolution
- Historical Motivation
- history
- HomePage
- homotopification
- Homotopy type theory
- HoTT for Physics
- Hugh
- Husserl
- hyperintensionality
- Hypothesis H
- identity
- implication
- impossibilia
- Imre Lakatos
- Individuals
- Induction & Coinduction
- inferences
- inferentialism
- intension
- intensional conjunction
- intermodality
- intuitions about cohomology
- invariance
- invariants
- J. L. Austin
- jokes
- judgments
- Jung
- Kan
- Klein 2-Geometry
- knowledge
- Langlands
- Lassiter, Graded Modality
- Lautman and the Reality of Mathematics
- least action
- logic of presuppositions
- Logic of Question and Answer
- logic-mathematics
- Logical Positivists understanding general relativity
- many-sorted logic
- mathematical landscape
- Mathematics and Co-Mathematics
- Mathematics as Physics
- Michael Levin
- Michael Polanyi
- Misha Gromov
- Modal Homotopy Type Theory
- Modal logic
- modal type theory
- modality
- modality as impure
- Motifs and Phantoms
- n-theory
- Narrative and the Rationality of Mathematical Practice
- Narrative notes
- negation
- negative facts
- nLab discussions
- objections and observations
- old blog
- old tools
- ontology
- OxNotes
- papers
- Paul Wachtel
- Personal Knowledge
- Peter Strawson
- Philosophical points resolved by categorical logic
- Philosophy as Normative or Descriptive
- philosophy of history
- philosophy of real mathematics
- Physics of the observer
- polarity
- Practical and Foundational Aspects of Type Theory
- premature automatization
- probabilities applied to assertions
- probability
- Projection and Projectability
- proposition
- psychoanalysis
- psychoanalysis and active inference
- QG predictions
- quantum anomalies
- quantum cognition
- quantum physics
- questions
- quotient types
- R G Collingwood
- reader monad
- realism
- relation between category theory and type theory
- relevance logic
- revolution in geometry
- Robert Brandom
- Rudolf Carnap
- Ruskin's Philosophy
- sandbox
- Saunders Mac Lane
- seems
- Seminar on Applied Category Theory
- sentence construction
- Set
- Set theory, higher-order logic, dependent type theory
- Shaperean Philosophy of Mathematics
- Shelah's main gap
- Smoke rings
- Some Perplexities about Time
- space
- space - cohesion, etc.
- specification type
- Stafford Beer
- stuff
- subsentential inferentialism
- supergeometry
- Talks
- temporal type theory
- the
- The Complex Numbers
- The Concept of Group and the Theory of Perception
- The Idea of History
- The Idea of Space
- The Present Need of a Philosophy
- The Present Need of a Philosophy.
- The Principles of Art
- The Principles of History
- The Reals
- thick concept
- Thomas Kuhn, Modern Mathematics and the Dynamics of Reason
- Topos institute
- tous
- Towards a Philosophy of Real Mathematics
- Two Cultures
- Type Theory and Philosophy
- Type theory, Category theory and Philosophy
- type, object, monad, process
- type-shifting
- types
- types in philosophical literature
- Understanding the Infinite II - Coalgebra
- univocal-equivocal
- Vienna
- What Category Theory can do for Philosophy
- What has X done for us?
- Why Do People Get Ill?
- William Lawvere
- WiP