Category — algebraic geometry
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The nLab has 85 pages in this category.
affine Grassmannian
affine group scheme
affine morphism
affine scheme
Alexander Rosenberg
algebraic equation
algebraic geometry
algebraic surface
algebraic variety
birational geometry
categorical resolution of singularities
Chevalley's theorem on constructible sets
closed subscheme
coherent sheaf
concentrated scheme
crystal (algebraic geometry)
defining sheaf
distribution on an affine group scheme
Durov's generalized scheme
equivariant noncommutative algebraic geometry
fpqc topology
Gabriel-Rosenberg theorem
generic point
geometrically connected scheme
Gieseker stability
Grothendieck ring of varieties
Hopf-Galois extension
linear algebraic group
locally algebraic scheme
Mather-Yau theorem
mirror map
modules over a ring are equivalent to quasicoherent sheaves over its spectrum
monad in algebraic geometry
motivic cohomology
noetherian scheme
noncommutative algebraic geometry
noncommutative localization
noncommutative motive
noncommutative projective geometry
noncommutative scheme
noncommutative thin scheme
noncommutative toric variety
normal variety
open immersion of schemes
open subscheme
perverse sheaf
Picard scheme
Picard-Fuchs equation
Picard-Lefschetz theory
Plücker embedding
projective scheme
proper morphism
pure motive
quasicoherent infinity-stack
quasicoherent sheaf
quasicompact morphism
quasiseparated morphism
reduced scheme
regular differential operator
regular map
regular scheme
relative affine n-space
relative scheme
relative spectrum
relativization in algebraic geometry
resolution of singularities
rigidification of a stack
scheme as a locally affine structured (infinity,1)-topos
Schubert calculus
semiorthogonal decomposition
semiseparated scheme
separated morphism
separated morphism of schemes
Serre's theorem on Proj
sheaf of ideals
sheaf of meromorphic functions
spectrum of an abelian category
structure sheaf
valuative criterion of separatedness
Zariski site