algebraic topology – application of higher algebra and higher category theory to the study of (stable) homotopy theory
Given a topological space , its Čech homology is the limit of simplicial homology-groups of the Čech nerves of its open covers, under refinement of open covers.
Compare to the singular homology of , which is the simplicial homology of its singular simplicial complex. For well behaved topological spaces the two notions agree and are jointly known as computing the ordinary homology of .
Given a topological space with an open cover,
we write
for the simplicial set which is its Čech+nerve: whose -simplices are the inhabited -fold intersections of the open subsets in .
Remark 2.1. For sufficiently well-behaved topological spaces (paracompact spaces) and good open covers, the Čech nerve (1) is simplicially homotopy equivalent to the singular simplicial complex of – this is the statement of the nerve theorem.
However, in general may differ from the weak homotopy type of (even in the limit below) in which case Čech homology may differ from the singular homology of . (See for instance the discussion at well group.)
If is a refinement open cover, i.e. such that for each , there is a with , then these inclusions induce a morphism of simplicial sets
This yields an inverse system of simplicial sets.
Definition 2.2. The th Čech homology group of the space is the limit
over the inverse system of open covers , of the simplicial homology groups of the Čech nerve :
Remark 2.3. It is to be noted that these groups do not constitute a homology theory in the sense of the Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms as the exactness axiom fails in general. There is a “corrected” theory known under the name strong homology.
On closed covers in Čech homology:
Last revised on October 17, 2023 at 22:17:06. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.