There are different versions of what one may mean by a 2-category of categories with adjoint functors as 1-morphisms, namely depending on which notion of transformation of adjoints one considers.
For example, the (very large) wide locally full sub-2-category of Cat
objects are categories,
2-morphisms are natural transformations which are conjugate transformations of adjoints.
Proposition 2.1. Under the Grothendieck construction, the Grothendieck fibrations which arise from pseudofunctors that factor through (1) are equivalently the bifibrations.
Proof. A Grothendieck construction on a pseudofunctor yielding a bifibration is fairly immediately equivalent to all base change functors having an adjoint on the respective side (e.g. Jacobs (1998), Lem. 9.1.2). By the fact that is a locally full sub-2-category (this Prop.) this already means that the given pseudofunctor factors through , and essentially uniquely so. ▮
See also:
Yonatan Harpaz, Matan Prasma, Section 2.2. of: The Grothendieck construction for model categories, Advances in Mathematics 281 (2015) 1306-1363 [arXiv:1404.1852, 10.1016/j.aim.2015.03.031]
(in the context of model structures on Grothendieck constructions)
Last revised on May 6, 2023 at 17:09:48. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.