nLab David E. Radford

Selected works

David E. Radford is an American algebraist, retired at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

An example of finite dimensional noncommutative Hopf algebras is named after him (Radford’s Hopf algebras) with most famous member in dimension 8. The purpose of his example originally was to give an example of a Hopf algebra whose Jacobson radical is not a Hopf ideal.

Selected works

Radford’s Hopf algebras were exhibited in

  • D. E. Radford, On the coradical of a finite-dimensional Hopf algebra Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 53 (1975) 9–15.

On Yetter-Drinfeld modules over bialgebras


  • David E. Radford, Hopf algebras, Series on Knots and Everything: Volume 49, 588 pp. World Scientific 2011 doi

  • Larry A. Lambe, David E. Radford, Introduction to the quantum Yang-Baxter equation and quantum groups: an algebraic approach, Mathematics and Its Applications 423, Springer 1997

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Created on September 9, 2024 at 13:57:03. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.