nLab Greg Egan

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Selected writings

Greg Egan is an Australian science fiction author, with several articles in the journal Classical and Quantum Gravity to his name. His writing is very ‘hard’, in the sense that it contains lots of scientific and mathematical detail. Egan contributes images to John Baez‘s blog Visual Insight.

Along with J. Daniel Christensen, he presented an algorithm, written in C++, to understand the asymptotic behavior of the 10j symbol, a spin network that arises in the partition function for the Barrett-Crane model? of 4d Riemannian quantum gravity?. This partition function is the summation over all spin labelings of the faces in the dual 2-skeleton? of a fixed triangulation of spacetime, applied to an expression which contains the product of a 10j symbol for each dual vertex?.

There are famously no pictures of him on the web.

Selected writings

Explanation, visualisation and calculation of the first homology of the Hantzsche-Wendt manifold:

category: people

Last revised on June 10, 2024 at 14:29:43. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.