A Kakeya Set is a subset of a Euclidean space that contains a unit line segment for every direction. For example, a ball is a Kakeya set.
The Kakeya Set Conjecture asserts that every compact Kakeya set has Hausdorff dimension .
The X-ray transform is the operator
where is a line, and the Lebesgue measure on the line.
Define a manifold by
where is the projective space of lines in that pass through the origin, and represents a line that passes through with direction .
We endow with a measure invariant under rigid motions.
It is an open problem to determine the exponents for which the following inequality holds:
For brevity we will write .
We can write the X-ray transform of a function as
where .
If is a line , and the projection to the plane then is the pullback , where is the Dirac delta distribution centered at .
The operator dual to , i.e. , acts on functions in as
here — this is a distribution in , not to be confused with the usual Dirac delta distribution centered at : The distribution is the restriction of the measure in to the set of lines passing through .
The first bound we can get for the X-ray transform is
since is constant. Alternatively, we can use the fact that the integral of along all the lines with the same direction equals , which also implies that . Any other bound of the X-ray transform can be interpolated with this bound to get further inequalities.
Besides -spaces, we need to consider spaces of regular functions.
(Sobolev space)
Let be a smooth function with Fourier transform supported in , and let be a smooth function with Fourier transform supported in . Suppose that
where and , for . Let be the projection .
The Sobolev-Slobodeckij spaces are, for and , defined as
See (Triebel 1978, Sec. 2.3.1).
The relation between that X-ray transform and the Kakeya set conjecture is the content of the following Theorem:
(Bourgain 1991, Lemma 2.15)
Let . If for every function such that , for compact, it holds that
then the Hausdorff dimension of a Kakeya set is at least .
To compute the Hausdorff dimension we can use either balls or dyadic cubes , for integer. In fact, we can cover a cube with a ball of radius , and conversely we can cover a ball of radius with a few cubes , for .
Let be a Kakeya set. Give any covering of at scale , i.e. a covering such that for every cube its side-length is , the goal is to show that if then
where is the side-length of the cube.
Let be a covering of at scale . We denote by the collection of all the cubes in with side-length , and we denote by the union of all the cubes in ; therefore,
Since our hypotheses involve the spaces , we should mollify . We take a suitable smooth function with compact support, define the dilations , and replace by .
Since contains a unit line segment in every direction , then for every it holds that , and then that
By (1) we have that
In general, the -norm of is
see Lemma below. Hence,
where denotes the number of cubes in .
By hypothesis , then for every we can apply Hölder inequality to get
where . The statement of the Theorem follows.
If is a smooth function and , for , then
where depends on .
If is an integer, then (2) follows from and from the Young inequality for convolutions.
If integer, then we have to estimate the norm of ; recall that , where . If then by the Young inequality for convolutions
If then fix a number . We estimate the norm of as
As before we get . For the other term, since then we get
we conclude so that . Therefore, the -norm of is
which concludes the proof.
For a fixed direction , the X-ray transform maps to a function in . The function turns out to be more regular than .
If has support , for compact, then
We set , and for a fixed direction we compute the Fourier transform of the function . By rotational symmetry we can assume that , so
The Fourier transform is . If is the Dirac delta distribution of the plane normal to , then we may write
For high frequencies we have that
For low frequencies we have that
The statement of the Theorem follows.
The Sobolev embedding Theorem , for , and the inequality (3) allow us to conclude that for every such that , for compact, it holds that
for . Hence, by Theorem the Hausdorff dimension of a Kakeya set is at least 2. This result is the best possible in (Córdoba 1977), but far away from the expected dimension for .
(Lorentz Spaces)
Let be a measure space. The quasinorm of the space , for and , is
and, for and , is
(Drury 1983)
If is a measurable set, and is the characteristic function of , then
Let and define the set , then
This establishes a lower bound for , and we will get now an upper bound.
Choose a point such that — is the center of Bourgain’s bush. By translation symmetry we can assume that . If is the Dirac delta centered at the origin, then
Here we can think of as the distribution we defined earlier supported over the lines passing through the point . We can also justify the notation by a limiting process since .
On the other hand, we can also estimate the left side of (6) as
The function can be computed explicitly
where and is the line that passes through and . Then, we can estimate the norm of as
Then we get the bound
By (6) and (7) we get the desired upper bound for :
This and (5) allow us to conclude that
which implies the restricted weak inequality (4).
Drury’s Theorem and the bound imply that
for and . By Sobolev embedding Theorem , for , we get further
for , and . Hence, by Theorem the Hausdorff dimension of a Kakeya set is at least .
A. Córdoba: The Kakeya Maximal Function and the Spherical Summation Multipliers, Amer. J. Math. 99 (1977)
M. Christ: Estimates for the -plane transform, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 33 (1984)
S. W. Drury,l: estimates for the X-ray transform, Illinois J. Math. 27 (1983)
H. Triebel: Interpolation Theory, Function Spaces, Differential Operators, North-Holland (1978)
J. Bourgain: Besicovitch type maximal function operators and applications to Fourier Analysis, Geom. Funct. Anal. 1 (1991)
See also: