nLab Kenzo




Kenzo is a software for computations in constructive algebraic topology (computational topology).

Some notes

Some notes on coding in Kenzo.

Space constructors

(setq m23 (moore 2 3)) ==> "Moore space (Z/2Z,3)"

(setq kz1 (k-z 1))     ==> "Eilenberg-Maclane space K(Z,1)"

(crts-prdc space1 space2): Cartesian product space

(loop-space space1): Loop space 


 (typep space1 'kan)

 (typep space1 'simplicial-group)

 (typep space1 'ab-simplicial-group)


 + (homology)
 + (basis) eg. Basis for a simplicial set..


π 4\pi_4 and π 5\pi_5 for Moore(Z/2,3)

To compute the 4th homotopy group of Moore(Z/2,3), follow the overview of the DOC and do

  #+begin_src common-lisp
  (require 'kenzo)
  (setf m23 (moore 2 3))
  (setf ch3 (chm1-class m23 3))
  (setf f3 (z2-whitehead m23 ch3))
  (setf x4 (fibration-total f3))
  (homology x4 3 5) ;; this gives Z/2Z, which is the \pi_{4} for Moore(Z/2Z,3).

To compute its 5th homotopy group:

 #+begin_src common-lisp
 (setf ch4 (chml-class x4 4))
 (setf f4 (z2-whitehead x4 ch4))
 (setf x5 (fibration-total f4))
 (homology x5 4 6) ;; this gives Z/4Z, which is the \pi_{5} for Moore(Z/2Z,3)


 (cprd) coproduct.. eg for a K(Z,1)

 (aprd) product.. eg for a K(Z,1)

Chapter by chapter

1. Chain complexes

1.3. Representation of a chain complex


morphism from a chain complex to another, of degree kk

A chain complex is implemented as an instance of a CLOS class.

See page 8 for the definition of the class


This class has 8 slots

=cmpr=, =basis=, =bsgn=, =dffr=, =idnm=, =orgn=, =grmd=, =efhm=.

the accessors of the slots are the functions speficied after =:reader= in the defclass code.

To build a chain complex, use =build-chcm=. For example:

   #+begin_src common-lisp
   ;; warning hasn't compiled
   (setf diabolo-cmpr #'s-cmpr)
   (setf diabolo-basis #'(lambda (dmn)
                           (case dmn
                             (0 '(s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5))
                             (1 '(s01 s02 s12 s23 s34 s35 s45))
                             (2 '(s345))
                             (otherwise nil ))))
   (setf diabolo-bspn 's0) ;; base point

   (setf diabolo-pure-dffr
         #'(lambda (dmn gnr)
             (unless (<= 0 dmn 2)
               (error "Non-correct dimension for diabolo-dp."))
             (case dmn
                  (0 (cmbn -1)) ; Note the null combination of degree -1
                  (1 (case gnr
                       (s01 (cmbn 0 -1 's0 1 's1))
                       (s02 (cmbn 0 -1 's0 1 's2))
                       (s12 (cmbn 0 -1 's1 1 's2))
                       (s23 (cmbn 0 -1 's2 1 's3))
                       (s34 (cmbn 0 -1 's3 1 's4))
                       (s35 (cmbn 0 -1 's3 1 's5))
                       (s45 (cmbn 0 -1 's4 1 's5))))
                  (2 (case gnr
                       (s345 (cmbn 1 1 's34 -1 's35 1 's45))))
                  (otherwise (error "Bad generator for complex diabolo")))
   (setf diabolo-strt :GNRT)
   (setf diabolo-orgn '(diabolo-for-example))

   ;; Then construct it!
   (setf diabolo (build-chcm :cmpr diabolo-cmpr :basis diabolo-basis
                             :bsgn diabolo-bspn :intr-dffr diabolo-pure-dffr
                             :strt diabolo-strt :orgn diabolo-orgn))

Simple functions handling chain complexes: =cat-init=, =chcm=, =cmpr=, =basis=, =dffr=, =z-chcm=.

An important trivial case Z[0]. Do it as exercise! .. Answer on page 14. You can call it by =(z-chcm)= (predefined).


The circle.

   #+begin_src common-lisp
   ;; warning hasn't compiled
   (defun CIRCLE ()
     (the chain-complex
           :cmpr #'(lambda (gnrt1 gnrt2) (the cmpr :equal))
           :basis #'(lambda (dmns)
                      (the list
                           (case dmns (0 '(*)) (1 '(s1))
                                      (otherwise +empty-list+))))
           :bsgn '*
           :intr-dffr #'zero-intr-dffr
           :strt :cmbn
           :orgn '(circle))))

1.4. Morphisms

See the final example provided in the end of this section.

2. Objects with effective homology

21. Computing homotopy groups

By constructing the Whitehead tower of a space XX, the computation of the homotopy groups of XX is reduced to computing the homology groups of some pieces in the tower.

21.2 The functions for computing homotopy groups

 In this version of Kenzo, only the case where the first non-null
 homology group is Z or Z/2Z can be processed; ..


S 2S^{2}

The 2-sphere S 2S^2:

 #+begin_src common-lisp :eval never
 ;; This looks like a 2-sphere to me
 (setf short-s2?
        '(v0 v1 v2
          1 e01 (v1 v0) e02 (v2 v0) e12 (v2 v1)
          2 t (e12 e02 e01) t_ (e12 e02 e01))))

P 2\mathbb{R}P^{2}

The real projective plane P 2\mathbb{R}P^2:

 #+begin_src common-lisp :eval never
 ;; This is a small construction of RP^2.. taken from lecture note.
 ;; Constructive Homological Algebra and Applications-Julio Rubio and Francis Sergeraert-arXiv:1208.3816
 (setf short-P2R
       (build-finite-ss '(v 1 e (v v) 2 t ( e v e ))))


Based on :


  • Julio Rubio, Formalization of Mathematics: why Algebraic Topology?, MAP Spring School 2012 [pdf]

A rewrite of Kenzo in Haskell:

category: reference

Last revised on December 29, 2024 at 12:01:36. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.