nLab Koji Hashimoto

Selected writings

1. Selected writings

Interpretation in holographic QCD of the Schwinger effect as exhibited by the DBI-action on flavor branes:

Relation of Yang-Mills monopoles as Dp/D(p+2)-brane intersections and Yang-Mills instantons as Dp/D(p+4)-brane intersections to the K-theory classification of topological phases of matter via AdS/CFT duality in solid state physics:

On Montonen-Olive duality in D=4 super Yang-Mills theory via ABJM-model as D3-brane model after double dimensional reduction followed by T-duality:

On holographic QCD:

  • Sinya Aoki, Koji Hashimoto, Norihiro Iizuka, Matrix Theory for Baryons: An Overview of Holographic QCD for Nuclear Physics, Reports on Progress in Physics, Volume 76, Number 10 (arxiv:1203.5386)

On the analogy between AdS/CFT duality and deep learning:

  • Koji Hashimoto, Sotaro Sugishita, Akinori Tanaka, Akio Tomiya, Deep Learning and Holographic QCD, Phys. Rev. D 98, 106014 (2018) (arXiv:1809.10536)

  • Tetsuya Akutagawa, Koji Hashimoto, Takayuki Sumimoto, Deep Learning and AdS/QCD (arXiv:2005.02636)

Introducing the nuclear matrix model for baryons/nucleons in the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model:

On strongly-coupled topological semimetals:

On the binding energy of nucleons via AdS/QCD:

category: people

Last revised on May 30, 2024 at 13:42:40. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.