Marta Bunge (1938-2022) was an Argentinian-Canadian mathematician. Her research included fibered categories, stacks (with values in categories, hence 2-sheaves) and groupoids, topos theory, geometric Galois theory of covering spaces, synthetic differential topology, amongst others.
Marta Bunge, Categories of set valued functors, PhD thesis, University of Pennsylvania (1966) [pdf]
Reprints in Theory and Applications of Categories, 30 (2024) 1-84 [tac:tr30]
On internal presheaves in elementary toposes:
On category-valued stacks (2-sheaves) as internal categories in a sheaf topos, and on weak equivalences of internal categories:
Marta Bunge, Robert Paré, Stacks and equivalence of indexed categories, Cahiers de Top. et Géom. Diff. Catég 20 4 (1979) 373-399 [numdam:CTGDC_1979__20_4_373_0]
Marta Bunge, Stack completions and Morita equivalence for categories in a topos, Cahiers de Top. et Géom. Diff. Catég 20 4, (1979) 401-436 [numdam, MR558106]
See also:
Relative functor categories and categories of algebras, J. of Algebra 11,1 (1969) 64–101, MR236238 doi
Marta Bunge, Eduardo Dubuc, Archimedian local -rings and models of synthetic differential geometry Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 27, no. 3 (1986), p. 3-22, numdam
Marta Bunge, Aurelio Carboni, The symmetric topos, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 105 (1995), no. 3, 233–249, MR96i:18004, doi
Marta Bunge, Steve Lack, van Kampen theorem for toposes, ps
Marta Bunge, Jonathan Funk, Singular coverings of toposes, Springer Lect. Notes in Math. 1890, (2006); Quasi locally connected toposes, Theory Appl. Categ. 18 (2007), No. 8, 209–239, pdf
Galois groupoids and covering morphisms in topos theory, Galois theory, Hopf algebras, and semiabelian categories, 131–161, Fields Inst. Commun. 43, Amer. Math. Soc. 2004, links.
Classifying toposes and fundamental localic groupoids, Category theory 1991 (Montreal, PQ, 1991), 75–96, CMS Conf. Proc. 13, Amer. Math. Soc. 1992.
Marta Bunge, Claudio Hermida, Pseudomonodacity and 2-stack completions, in Models, Logics, and Higher-Dimensional Categories, CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes 53, pp. 29-54, Amer. Math. Soc. 2011.
Marta Bunge, Felipe Gago, Ana Maria San Luis, Synthetic Differential Topology, 2018, (CUP)
Marta Bunge reported at the category conference in Calais in June 2008 about her joint work with Claudio Hermida about some aspects of Diaconescu-type results in categorical dimension 2. Her slides from Calais can be found here. There are also some conjectural statements about higher n, with an interesting definition when an n-functor between strict n-categories should be called a fibered n-category.
Last revised on February 15, 2025 at 01:25:37. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.