This page seems to follow Johnstone 2002 in considering the Ore condition with respect to the full class of all morphisms. More generally see at Ore set.
In category theory, the (right) Ore condition is a simple condition on the morphisms in a category which ensure that sieves generated by singletons behave well under pullback. It can be viewed as weaker form of the existence of pullbacks in .
A category is said to satisfy the (right) Ore condition if for any cospan diagram
there is an object and morphisms such that the following diagram commutes:
When is a sieve generated by a singleton then the pullback sieve is nonempty provided satisfies the Ore condition. More generally, a category satisfies the Ore condition precisely when the collection of nonempty sieves forms a Grothendieck topology on (cf. atomic site).
A category obviously satisfies the Ore condition when it has pullbacks.
A presheaf topos is a De Morgan topos (see there for more) precisely if its site satisfies the Ore condition.
A category satisfies the amalgamation property precisely if its opposite category satifies the Ore condition. Since the former is an important property in model theory, the De Morgan property is via the Ore condition dually bound to play a similar role.
Last revised on February 3, 2025 at 06:44:33. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.