nLab Diary on Higher Category Theory and its Applications

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Why these Notes

Unlike notes where one usually incorporates structure and some level of self-containment, the following write-up could be seen more like a diary and a means to guide oneโ€™s learning journey towards some more sophisticated references. In the cases where good references are lacking, we will aim to provide full detail or accumulate material that was hard to find (or stuff that is never spelled out in other references). In that way, we hope this will be of value to someone in the future.


Straightening & Unstraightening

For other Nlab entries see: (infinity,1)-Grothendieck construction, straightening functor, Grothendieck construction, โ€ฆ


Mathematical objects very often come in families. One quick example is the following: Let Ab\text{Ab} denote the category of abelian groups, and fix a commutative ring RR. Then the there is a well defined category

Mod Rโ‰”Mod R(Ab)\text{Mod}_R \coloneqq \text{Mod}_R(\text{Ab})

of RR-modules (see also module object). Now every homomorphism of commutative rings ฯ†:Rโ†’S\varphi \colon R \to S induces two functors

ฯ† โ‹†:Mod Sโ†’Mod R,ฯ† !:Mod Rโ†’Mod S\varphi^\star \colon \text{Mod}_S \to \text{Mod}_R, \qquad \varphi_! \colon \text{Mod}_R \to \text{Mod}_S

which are referred to as restriction of scalars and extension of scalars, respectively. It turns out that both these assignments are functorial: We have two functors

It is often more convenient to encode the functoriality of the (covariant or contravariant) construction Rโ†ฆMod RR \mapsto \text{Mod}_R in a different way. In fact, to every functor U:๐’žโ†’CatU \colon \mathcal{C} \to \text{Cat}, one can associate a new category Un(U)\text{Un}(U), referred to as the category of elements, the Grothendieck construction, or the unstraightening? of the functor UU, which comes endowed with a โ€œbundle mapโ€

Un(U)โ†’๐’ž\text{Un}(U) \to \mathcal{C}

More generally, for an โˆž\infty-category ๐’ž\mathcal{C} there is an (adjoint) equivalence of โˆž\infty-categories

Here by โ€œniceโ€ bundle maps we really mean cocartesian fibrations (in particular, there is another equivalence which encodes contravariant functors with domain ๐’ž\mathcal{C} and target โˆžCat\infty\text{Cat}). This equivalence is referred to as the Straightening/Unstraightening equivalence and it is certainly one of the most foundational and important tools (maybe second only to the yoneda lemma) used to define functors in higher category theory. The idea is that, usually when we want to define a functor with values in โˆž\infty-categories we would have to specify an infinite amount of coherences which might be completely unfeasible; thus instead we go unstraightened and find us a nice bundle map (i.e. cococartesian fibration?) that encodes the functor we are after. Some applications for this fibrational approach are e.g. the theory of stacksthe definition of monoidal โˆž \infty -categories (or more generally for โˆž \infty -operads), operad algebras, Covering spaces, the calculation of โˆž \infty -(co)limits, โ€ฆ

We shall discover that when one seeks to pursue algebra in a homotopy coherent manner, โˆž\infty-operads present the ideal framework. In fact, all of higher algebra is written in the language of (infinity,1)-operads. But the thing that keeps the machine of โˆž\infty-operads well oiled, or makes riding it even possible is the theory of cocartesian fibrations and in turn therefore the Straightening/Unstraightening Equivalence.

(Co)Cartesian Fibrations - Warm up

See also Cartesian morphism.

Functoriality of Fibers

Given a functor U:โ„ฐโ†’๐’žU \colon \mathcal{E} \to \mathcal{C} of โˆž\infty-categories, a natural construction is to look at the fibers of UU, that is, for c:๐’žc \colon \mathcal{C} an object, the fiber of UU at cc, denoted by โ„ฐ c\mathcal{E}_c is given by the pullback diagram:

Now the question is: When do the fibers have contra- or covariant dependence with regards to the category ๐’ž\mathcal{C}. It is certainly false that every functor U:โ„ฐโ†’๐’žU \colon \mathcal{E} \to \mathcal{C} induces a โ€œstraightenedโ€ functor:

that retains all the information that was present in the original functor U:โ„ฐโ†’๐’žU \colon \mathcal{E} \to \mathcal{C}. In fact, an easy counter example is the following.


Let โ„ฐ\mathcal{E} be the category with three objects e 1,e 2,e 3e_1, e_2, e_3 such that there exists precisely one arrow from e 1e_1 to e 2e_2 and one from e 1e_1 to e 3e_3. On the other hand, let ๐’ž\mathcal{C} be the category with two objects c 1,c 2c_1, c_2 with precisely one arrow from c 1c_1 to c 2c_2 (i.e. ๐’žโ‰ƒฮ” 1\mathcal{C} \simeq \Delta^1). Define the functor U:โ„ฐโ†’๐’žU \colon \mathcal{E} \to \mathcal{C} by the assignment

Ue 1=c 1,Ue 2=Ue 3=c 2,U(e 1โ†’e 2)=(c 1โ†’c 2),U(e 1โ†’e 3)=(c 1โ†’c 3)Ue_1 = c_1,\; Ue_2= Ue_3 = c_2,\; U(e_1 \to e_2) = (c_1 \to c_2),\; U(e_1 \to e_3) = (c_1 \to c_3)

Put graphically, we have

where the colors indicate where objects and morphisms are mapped to. Now the fibers โ„ฐ c 1\mathcal{E}_{c_1} and โ„ฐ c 2\mathcal{E}_{c_2} are given by the terminal category ฮ” 0โ‰ƒ{e 1}\Delta^0 \simeq \{e_1\} and the disjoint union of two terminal categories ฮ” 0โˆฮ” 0โ‰ƒ{e 2,e 3}\Delta^0 \coprod \Delta^0 \simeq \{e_2,e_3\}, respectively. There is now two (different) choices for a functor

๐’žโ‰ƒฮ” 1โ†’CatโŠ‚โˆžCat\mathcal{C} \simeq \Delta^1 \to \text{Cat} \subset \infty\text{Cat}

which is really just a functor โ„ฐ c 1โ‰ƒ{e 1}โ†’{e 2,e 3}โ‰ƒโ„ฐ c 2\mathcal{E}_{c_1} \simeq \{e_1\} \to \{e_2,e_3\} \simeq \mathcal{E}_{c_2}. Thus the choices are either e 1โ†ฆe 2e_1 \mapsto e_2 or e 1โ†ฆe 3e_1 \mapsto e_3, and both these functors are far from ever being able to recover all the information of the original functor U:โ„ฐโ†’๐’žU \colon \mathcal{E} \to \mathcal{C}.

Slick Definition

We shall first give slick, quick and abstract model-independent? definitions, and then after we shall unravel these definitions (in the 11-categorical setting) to give some intuition.


Aaron Mazel-Gee, 2015 Let U:โ„ฐโ†’๐’žU \colon \mathcal{E} \to \mathcal{C} be a functor of โˆž\infty-categories, and let ฯ†:eโ†’eหœ\varphi \colon e \to \tilde{e} be a morhpism in โ„ฐ\mathcal{E}.

  • ฯ†\varphi is called UU-cocartesian morphism if it induces a pullback square:
  • ฯ†\varphi is called UU-cartesian morphism if it induces a pullback square:


Let U:โ„ฐโ†’๐’žU \colon \mathcal{E} \to \mathcal{C} be a functor of โˆž\infty-categories, and denote by U-CoCartU\text{-CoCart} (resp. U-CartU\text{-Cart}) the full subcategory of the arrow category Arโ„ฐโ‰”โ„ฐ ฮ” 1\text{Ar}\mathcal{E} \coloneqq \mathcal{E}^{\Delta^1} spanned by the UU-cocartesian morphisms (resp. cartesian morphisms).

  • UU is called cocartesian fibration, if the (induced) dashed arrow in the diagram below is an equivalence of โˆž\infty-categories:

where the functors ss denote the source projections, respectively.

  • UU is called cartesian fibration, if the (induced) dashed arrow in the diagram below is an equivalence of โˆž\infty-categories:

where the functors tt denote the target projections, respectively.

Unraveling in 11-Category-land

On the definitions

Let us unravel both these definitions. For ฯ†:eโ†’eหœ\varphi \colon e \to \tilde{e} to be a UU-cocartesian morphism really boils down to saying that for each object eยฏ:โ„ฐ\overline{e} \colon \mathcal{E} we have a pullback square:

Let us suppose now that ๐’ž,โ„ฐ\mathcal{C}, \mathcal{E} are 1-categories, then the above equivalence of morphism spaces is really just a bijection of hom-sets. In particular, for this morphism to be a bijection is equivalent to the following: For every ฯˆ:eโ†’eยฏ\psi \colon e \to \overline{e}, and for every ฯ‰:Ueหœโ†’Ueยฏ\omega \colon U\tilde{e} \to U\overline{e} such that ฯ‰Uฯ†=Uฯˆ\omega U\varphi = U\psi, there exists a unique lift w:eหœโ†’eยฏw\colon \tilde{e}\to \overline{e} of ฯ‰\omega, i.e.

Uw=ฯ‰Uw = \omega

such that

ฯˆ=wโˆ˜ฯ†\psi = w \circ \varphi

Writing this down by means of a diagram yields:

The above graphical representation thus encodes what it means for a morphism ฯ†:eโ†’eหœ\varphi \colon e \to \widetilde{e} to be UU-cocartesian (for U:โ„ฐโ†’๐’žU \colon \mathcal{E} \to \mathcal{C} a functor between 11-categories. Staying in the 11-categorical setting, let us look at the second condition, namely that we have an equivalence of categories

Here the important bit is really only that the dotted arrow is essentially surjective: The objects of PP are really just arrows f:cโ†’cหœf \colon c \to \tilde{c} such that there exists an e:โ„ฐe \colon \mathcal{E} so that c=Uec = Ue. Hence essential surjectivity tells us that for any arrow f:Ueโ†’cหœf\colon Ue \to \tilde{c}, there exists a UU-cocartesian lift

Lift e f:eโ†’t(Lift e f)\text{Lift}_{e}^{f} \colon e \to t(\text{Lift}_{e}^{f})

of ff.


Let U:โ„ฐโ†’๐’žU \colon \mathcal{E} \to \mathcal{C} be a functor of 11-categories. Then a morphism ฯ†:eโ†’eยฏ\varphi \colon e\to \overline{e} is * UU-cocartesian if and only if * UU-cartesian if and only if


There is another reformulation for ฯ†\varphi to be a UU-(co)cartesian morphism: ฯ†\varphi is UU-cocartesian if and only if the induced functor

โ„ฐ ฯ†/โ†’โˆผโ„ฐ eยฏ/ร— ๐’ž Ueยฏ๐’ž Uฯ†/ \mathcal{E}_{\varphi/} \overset{\sim}{\to} \mathcal{E}_{\overline{e}/} \times_{\mathcal{C}_{U\overline{e}}} \mathcal{C}_{U\varphi/}

is a (surjective) equivalence (see Cartesian morphism Proposition 2.4).


Now assume U:โ„ฐโ†’๐’žU\colon \mathcal{E} \to \mathcal{C}, a functor of 11-categories, is a cocartesian fibration.

We define the pseudofunctor St(U):๐’žโ†’Cat\text{St}(U) \colon \mathcal{C} \to \text{Cat} with values in the 22-category of small categories as follows:

which on objects c:๐’žc \colon \mathcal{C} assigns the fibers โ„ฐ c\mathcal{E}_c, while for a morphism f:cโ†’cยฏf \colon c \to \overline{c}, the functor

f !โ‰”St(U)(f):โ„ฐ cโ†’โ„ฐ cยฏf_! \coloneqq\text{St}(U)(f) \colon \mathcal{E}_c \to \mathcal{E}_{\overline{c}}

is defined as follows:

  • for any object e:โ„ฐ ce \colon \mathcal{E}_c (meaning Ue=cUe = c), by assumption, there exists a cocartesian lift
    Lift e f:eโ†’t(Lift e f)\text{Lift}_e^{f} \colon e \to t(\text{Lift}_e^f)

    This yields a family of lifts (Lift e f) e:โ„ฐ(\text{Lift}_e^f)_{e \colon \mathcal{E}} which we fix. Now, define the value of the functor f !f_! on the object ee to be the target of the lift associated to ee and ff:

    f !(e)โ‰”t(Lift e f)f_!(e) \coloneqq t(\text{Lift}_e^f)
  • for a morphism z:eโ†’eยฏz \colon e \to \overline{e} in โ„ฐ c\mathcal{E}_c, we define f !(z)f_!(z) by means of the unique lift induced by the universal property of the cocartesian morphism:
  • f !f_! thus defined is a functor โ„ฐ cโ†’โ„ฐ cหœ\mathcal{E}_c \to \mathcal{E}_{\tilde{c}} by uniqueness of lifts:

implying f !(zโ€ฒ)f !(z)=f !(zโ€ฒz)f_!(z')f_!(z) = f_!(z'z) (and thus functoriality).

Next up, we want to verify that the construction of St(U)\text{St}(U) is actually a pseudofunctor. In order to verify this, let us prove a quick lemma:


For ฯ†,ฯ†หœ\varphi, \tilde{\varphi} composable morphisms of โ„ฐ\mathcal{E} with ฯ†โ€ฒ\varphi' UU-cocartesian and ฯ†โ€ฒโ‰”ฯ†หœฯ†\varphi' \coloneqq \tilde{\varphi}\varphi, we have that ฯ†\varphi is UU-cocartesian if and only if ฯ†โ€ฒ\varphi' is UU-cocartesian. In particular, UU-cocartesian morphisms are closed under composition.


For UU-cocartesian morphisms eโ†’ฯ†eยฏโ†’ฯ†หœeหœe \overset{\varphi}{\to} \overline{e} \overset{\tilde{\varphi}}{\to} \tilde{e} we have a pasting of pullback squares which by pasting law for pullbacks yields the desired claim:


St(U)\text{St}(U) is a pseudofunctor.


We have specified what St(U)\text{St}(U) does on objects and what it does on morphisms in ๐’ž\mathcal{C}. All that remains is to prove that this assignment is pseudo-functorial. For this, let cโ†’fcยฏโ†’gcหœc \overset{f}{\to} \overline{c} \overset{g}{\to} \tilde{c} be a composable pair of morphisms in ๐’ž\mathcal{C} and consider for an object e:โ„ฐ ce \colon \mathcal{E}_c the diagram:

where the (unique) dotted arrows are induced by the lifting property of the UU-cocartesian morphisms Lift e gf\text{Lift}^{gf}_{e} and Lift t(Lift e f g)Lift e f\text{Lift}_{t(\text{Lift}^{g}_{e^f})}\text{Lift}_e^f, respectively (justified by the above Lemma). In fact, again by uniqueness the dotted arrows must be mutually inverse isomorphisms - these will be the components of our natural isomorphism witnessing functoriality.

Moreover, by uniqueness yet again, we have a commutative diagram

which proves that we have a natural isomorphism

g !f !โ‰…(gf) !g_! f_! \cong (gf)_!

An analogous argument shows the remaining axioms of pseudo-functoriality.


One can now define a category of cocartesian fibrations with codomain ๐’ž\mathcal{C}, denoted CoCart(๐’ž)\text{CoCart}(\mathcal{C}), whose objects are cocartesian fibrations and whose morphisms are โ€œbundleโ€ maps which preserve cocartesian morphisms: Now the construction Uโ†ฆSt(U)U \mapsto \text{St}(U) extends to a functor

CoCart(๐’ž)โ†’PseudoFun(๐’ž,Cat)\text{CoCart}(\mathcal{C}) \to \text{PseudoFun}(\mathcal{C}, \text{Cat})

with values in the category of pseudofunctors from ๐’ž\mathcal{C} to textCattext{Cat}. It then turns out that this construction yields an equivalence of categories (see Grothendieck construction). We will spell this out for the more general case of โˆž\infty-categories over the course of the next few chapters.

(Co)Cartesian fibrations of simplicial sets

Lurieโ€˜s definition of (co)cartesian fibrations in the setting of quasicategories (or more generally simplicial sets) is the following:


(see Kerodon, Definition

Let U:โ„ฐโ†’๐’žU \colon \mathcal{E} \to \mathcal{C} be a morphism of simplicial sets, and let ฯ†\varphi be an edge of โ„ฐ\mathcal{E}.

  • We say that ฯ†\varphi is UU-cartesian if every lifting problem

admits a solution, provided that nโ‰ฅ2n \geq 2.

  • We say that ฯ†\varphi is UU-cocartesian if every lifting problem

admits a solution, provided that nโ‰ฅ2n \geq 2.

The definition for a (co)cartesian fibration of simplicial sets is spelled out in Definition The general theory of fibrations of โˆž\infty-categories is explained in Kerodon Chapter 5. In this Nlab section, we will primarily concern ourselves with Kerodon Section 5.5 and Section 5.6 and we will stick to the notation used in Kerodon. However, a very short recap on the most important constructions in the previous sections of chapter 5 in Kerodon cannot hurt:

(Parametrized) Covariant/Contravariant Transport

Let U:โ„ฐโ†’๐’žU \colon \mathcal{E} \to \mathcal{C} be a cocartesian fibration of โˆž\infty-categories. To every morphism f:Cโ†’Df\colon C \to D in the โˆž\infty-category ๐’ž\mathcal{C}, we want to associate a functor f !:โ„ฐ Cโ†’โ„ฐ Df_! \colon \mathcal{E}_C \to \mathcal{E}_D (uniquely determined up to isomorphism by Proposition, which Lurie calls covariant transport functor?. We will skip a few steps and instead of proving existence of such a covariant transport functor f !f_! for a single ff, we shall immediately construct a functorial assignment fโ†ฆf !f \mapsto f_! for f:Hom ๐’ž(C,D)f \colon \text{Hom}_\mathcal{C}(C,D). This is referred to as parametrized covariant transport? in Lurieโ€˜s Kerodon.


Definition Let U:โ„ฐโ†’๐’žU \colon \mathcal{E} \to \mathcal{C} be a cocartesian fibration of simplicial sets and let C,DC,D be vertices of ๐’ž\mathcal{C}. We will say that a morphism

F:Hom ๐’ž(C,D)ร—โ„ฐ Cโ†’โ„ฐ DF \colon \text{Hom}_\mathcal{C}(C,D) \times \mathcal{E}_C \to \mathcal{E}_D

is given by parametrized covariant transport? if there exists a morphism

Fหœ:ฮ” 1ร—Hom ๐’ž(C,D)ร—โ„ฐ Cโ†’โ„ฐ\widetilde{F} \colon \Delta^1 \times \text{Hom}_\mathcal{C}(C,D) \times \mathcal{E}_C \to \mathcal{E}

satisfying the following conditions:

  • We have a commutative diagram

where the lower horizontal map is induced by the inclusion Hom ๐’ž(C,D)โ†ชFun(ฮ” 1,๐’ž)\text{Hom}_\mathcal{C}(C,D) \hookrightarrow \text{Fun}(\Delta^1, \mathcal{C}) by currying.

  • The restriction Fหœ| 0ร—Hom ๐’ž(C,D)ร—โ„ฐ C\widetilde{F}|_{0\times\text{Hom}_\mathcal{C}(C,D)\times\mathcal{E}_C} is given by projection onto โ„ฐ C\mathcal{E}_C, and the restriction Fหœ| 1ร—Hom ๐’ž(C,D)ร—โ„ฐ C\widetilde{F}|_{1\times\text{Hom}_\mathcal{C}(C,D)\times \mathcal{E}_C} is equal to FF.

  • For every edge f:Cโ†’Df \colon C \to D of ๐’ž\mathcal{C} and every object X:โ„ฐ CX \colon \mathcal{E}_C, the composite map

ฮ” 1ร—{f}ร—{X}โ†ชฮ” 1ร—Hom ๐’ž(C,D)ร—โ„ฐ Cโ†’Fหœโ„ฐ\Delta^1 \times \{f\} \times \{X\} \hookrightarrow \Delta^1 \times \text{Hom}_\mathcal{C}(C,D) \times \mathcal{E}_C \overset{\widetilde{F}}{\to} \mathcal{E}

is a UU-cocartesian edge of โ„ฐ\mathcal{E}.


Let us unravel these conditions:

  • The first condition (the commutative diagram) really just says that UFหœU\widetilde{F} evaluated at (0โ†’1,f)(0 \to 1, f) is equal to the constant diagram โ„ฐ Cโ†’Ar๐’ž\mathcal{E}_C \to \text{Ar}\mathcal{C} with value ff. In other words, plugging in ff into Fหœ\widetilde{F} yields a lift for ff.

  • The second condition says that Fหœ\widetilde{F}, interpreted as a natural transformation between โˆž \infty -functors has domain and target as depicted:

  • Finally, the third condition just states that the diagram Fหœ\widetilde{F} encodes, for every morphism f:Hom ๐’ž(C,D)f \colon \text{Hom}_\mathcal{C}(C,D) and every object X:โ„ฐ CX \colon \mathcal{E}_C, a UU-cocartesian edge fหœ X:Xโ†’f !(X)\widetilde{f}_X\colon X \to f_!(X) in โ„ฐ\mathcal{E}, with f !(X)โ‰”t(fหœ X)f_!(X) \coloneqq t(\widetilde{f}_X).


As already hinted at in the previous remark: For every edge f:Cโ†’Df \colon C \to D, the composite map

{f}ร—โ„ฐ Cโ†ชHom ๐’ž(C,D)ร—โ„ฐ Cโ†’Fโ„ฐ D\{f\}\times \mathcal{E}_C \hookrightarrow \text{Hom}_\mathcal{C}(C,D) \times \mathcal{E}_C \overset{F}{\to} \mathcal{E}_D

is given by covariant transport along ff (see also Definition


(see Example Let Set *\text{Set}_* denote the category of pointed sets, and let V:Set *โ†’SetV \colon \text{Set}_* \to \text{Set} denote the forgetful functor (X,x:X)โ†ฆX(X, x \colon X) \mapsto X. Then VV is a cocartesian fibration (in fact, it is a left covering map), whose fiber over an object X:SetX \colon Set may be identified with {(X,x)} x:Xโ‰…X\{(X,x)\}_{x\colon X} \cong X. For every pair of sets X,YX,Y, the evaluation map

Hom Set(X,Y)ร—Xโ†’Y,(f,x)โ†ฆf(x)\text{Hom}_\text{Set}(X,Y) \times X \to Y, \qquad (f,x) \mapsto f(x)

is given by parametrized covariant transport.


(see Proposition Let U:โ„ฐโ†’๐’žU \colon \mathcal{E}\to \mathcal{C} be a cocartesian fibration of simplicial sets, and let C,DC,D be vertices of ๐’ž\mathcal{C}. Then we have the following: 1. There exists a morphism F:Hom ๐’ž(C,D)ร—โ„ฐ Cโ†’โ„ฐ DF \colon \text{Hom}_\mathcal{C}(C,D) \times \mathcal{E}_C \to \mathcal{E}_D which is given by parametrized covariant transport?. 2. An arbitrary diagram Fโ€ฒ:Hom ๐’ž(C,D)ร—โ„ฐ Cโ†’โ„ฐ DF' \colon \text{Hom}_\mathcal{C}(C,D) \times \mathcal{E}_C \to \mathcal{E}_D is given by parametrized covariant transport if and only if it is isomorphic to FF (as an object of the โˆž\infty-category Fun(Hom ๐’ž(C,D)ร—โ„ฐ C,โ„ฐ D)\text{Fun}(\text{Hom}_\mathcal{C}(C,D) \times \mathcal{E}_C, \mathcal{E}_D)).

In order to prove this, we need a lemma


Let U:โ„ฐโ†’๐’žU \colon \mathcal{E} \to \mathcal{C} be a cocartesian fibration of simplicial sets, let KK be a simplicial set, and suppose we are given a lifting problem

Then we have: 1. The lifting problem admits a solution H:ฮ” 1ร—Kโ†’โ„ฐH \colon \Delta^1 \times K \to \mathcal{E} which is a UU-cocartesian lift of Hยฏ\overline{H}. 2. Let FF be any object of the โˆž\infty-category Fun /๐’ž({1}ร—K,โ„ฐ)\text{Fun}_{/\mathcal{C}}(\{1\} \times K, \mathcal{E}). Then FF is isomorphic to H| 1ร—KH|_{1\times K} (as an object of Fun /๐’ž({1}ร—K,โ„ฐ)\text{Fun}_{/\mathcal{C}}(\{1\} \times K, \mathcal{E})) if and only if F=Hโ€ฒ| 1ร—KF = H'|_{1\times K}, where Hโ€ฒH' is yet another UU-cocartesian lift of Hยฏ\overline{H} which solves the above lifting problem.


This follows by means of the currying isomorphism and the fact that postcompositon with a cocartesian fibration is itself a cocartesian fibration. Therefore, the lifting problem reduces to K=ฮ” 0K = \Delta^0. In this case, UU being a cocartesian fibration readily implies the first part, while Remark does the second part.

Theorem now follows as a special case of the above lemma (see Proposition

The โˆž\infty-categories ๐’ฎ\mathcal{S} and ๐’ฌ๐’ž\mathcal{QC}

This is a summary of Section 5.5 in Kerodon.

Given a locally Kan simplicial category? ๐’ž\mathcal{C}, there is a canonical slice and coslice construction ๐’ž /X\mathcal{C}_{/X} and ๐’ž X/\mathcal{C}_{X/} for an object X:๐’žX \colon \mathcal{C}. The main question is now does this behave with regards to the homotopy coherent nerve operation?

Before adressing this, one has yet another natural defintion: For ๐’ž\mathcal{C} locally Kan as above, one can define

๐’ž โ—ƒ,๐’ž โ–น\mathcal{C}^{\triangleleft}, \qquad \mathcal{C}^{\triangleright}

locally Kan enriched left and right cone categories. For those we have canonical isomorphisms:

N โ€ข hc(๐’ž โ—ƒ)โ‰…N โ€ข hc(๐’ž) โ—ƒ,N โ€ข hc(๐’ž โ–น)โ‰…N โ€ข hc(๐’ž) โ–นN_\bullet^{\text{hc}}(\mathcal{C}^{\triangleleft}) \cong N_\bullet^{\text{hc}}(\mathcal{C})^{\triangleleft}, \qquad N_\bullet^{\text{hc}}(\mathcal{C}^{\triangleright}) \cong N_\bullet^{\text{hc}}(\mathcal{C})^{\triangleright}


Let ๐’ž\mathcal{C} be a simplicially enriched category and let Y:๐’žY \colon \mathcal{C}. We have a functor (๐’ž /Y) โ–นโ†’V๐’ž(\mathcal{C}_{/Y})^\triangleright \overset{V}{\to} \mathcal{C} which sends objects (C,f):๐’ž /Y(C, f) \colon \mathcal{C}_{/Y} to CC, and carries the cone point โˆž\infty to the object YY. If (C,f)(C,f) and (D,g)(D,g) are objects of ๐’ž /Y\mathcal{C}_{/Y}, then the induced map of simplicial sets

Hom (๐’ž /Y) โ–น((C,f),(D,g))โ†ชHom ๐’ž(V(C,f),V(D,g))=Hom ๐’ž(C,D)\text{Hom}_{(\mathcal{C}_{/Y})^\triangleright}((C,f), (D,g)) \hookrightarrow \text{Hom}_\mathcal{C}(V(C,f), V(D,g)) = \text{Hom}_\mathcal{C}(C, D)

is simply given by the inclusion map. If (C,f)(C,f) is an object of ๐’ž /Y\mathcal{C}_{/Y}, then the induced map

ฮ” 0=Hom (๐’ž /Y) โ–น((C,f),โˆž)โ†’Hom ๐’ž(V(C,f),V(โˆž))=Hom ๐’ž(C,Y)\Delta^0 = \text{Hom}_{(\mathcal{C}_{/Y})^\triangleright}((C,f), \infty) \to \text{Hom}_\mathcal{C}(V(C,f), V(\infty)) = \text{Hom}_\mathcal{C}(C, Y)

is equal to ฮ” 0โ†’fHom ๐’ž(C,Y)\Delta^0 \overset{f}{\to} \text{Hom}_\mathcal{C}(C,Y). This is referred to as the right cone contraction functor?.

Analogously we have a functor V:(๐’ž X/) โ—ƒโ†’๐’žV \colon (\mathcal{C}_{X/})^\triangleleft \to \mathcal{C}, which is referred as the left cone contraction functor?. We then have the following useful result:


Propositon We have a bijection

induced by postcomposition with the right cone contraction functor?. The dual result holds too of course.

Now we realize that there is a map

N โ€ข hc(๐’ž /X) โ–นโ‰…N โ€ข hc(๐’ž /X โ–น)โ†’N โ€ข hc(๐’ž)N_\bullet^{\text{hc}}(\mathcal{C}_{/X})^\triangleright \cong N_\bullet^{\text{hc}}(\mathcal{C}_{/X}^\triangleright) \to N_\bullet^{\text{hc}}(\mathcal{C})

carrying the cone point to the vertex XX. Therefore by the above bijection we obtain the slice comparison morphism

c:N โ€ข hc(๐’ž /X)โ†’N โ€ข hc(๐’ž) /Xc \colon N_\bullet^{\text{hc}}(\mathcal{C}_{/X}) \to N_\bullet^\text{hc}(\mathcal{C})_{/X}

This map is a monomorphism, but it is generally not an isomorphism, nor is it a homotopy equivalence in all cases. However, in good situation it will be a homotopy equivalence.


Theorem Let ๐’ž\mathcal{C} be locally Kan and let XX be an object of ๐’ž\mathcal{C} with the following property: For every morphism f:Xโ†’Yf \colon X \to Y and every object Z:๐’žZ \colon \mathcal{C}, the morphism of simplicial sets

Hom ๐’ž(Y,Z) โ€ขโ†’f *Hom ๐’ž(X,Z) โ€ข \text{Hom}_\mathcal{C}(Y,Z)_\bullet \overset{f^*}{\to} \text{Hom}_\mathcal{C}(X,Z)_\bullet

is a Kan fibration. Then the coslice comparison morphism cโ€ฒ:N โ€ข hc(๐’ž X/)โ†’N โ€ข hc(๐’ž) X/c' \colon N_\bullet^\text{hc}(\mathcal{C}_{X/}) \to N_\bullet^{\text{hc}}(\mathcal{C})_{X/} is an equivalence of โˆž\infty-categories.

This result is useful for the following reason: Later on in Chapter 5.5 Lurie defines a chain of โˆž\infty-categories: where the first morphism is an equivalence by Proposition (this is really a corollary of the above theorem).

We can describe the above categories informally as follows: All the above categories have the same collection of objects. For the morphisms we have quite different situations however: Morphisms in N โ€ข hc(QCat *)N_\bullet^{\text{hc}}(\text{QCat}_*) are really just (strictly) commutative triangles: Morphisms in ๐’ฌ๐’ž โ‹†\mathcal{QC}_\star are triangles that commute up to isomorphism in the โˆž\infty-category ๐’Ÿ\mathcal{D}: Morphisms in ๐’ฌ๐’ž Obj\mathcal{QC}_\text{Obj} are diagrams with the comparison morphism not necessarily being an isomorphism. Finally, the last play in the game ๐’ฌ๐’ž Ob (โˆž,2)\mathcal{QC}_{\text{Ob}}^{(\infty,2)} is not an (โˆž,1)(\infty,1)-category but an (โˆž,2)(\infty,2)-category, with the same objects and morphisms as ๐’ฌ๐’ž Obj\mathcal{QC}_\text{Obj}, but with non-invertible natural transformations between functors.

Derived Categories

Homological Algebra

For amazing Nlab lecture notes see An Introduction to Homological Algebra.

Differential-Graded Categories

Derived โˆž\infty-categories of (Grothendieck) abelian Categories

Derived Categories of Rings

Derived Categories of (quasicoherent) Sheaves

Stable Homotopy Theory

Motivation from Classical homotopy Theory: Suspension-Loop Adjunction

Amazing Nlab Lecture notes at Introduction to Stable Homotopy Theory.

Freudenthal-Suspension Theorem

Stable โˆž\infty-Categories

For now see stable (infinity,1)-category.

The Stable Yoneda Lemma

How to Stabilize - All about Spectrum Objects

Brown Representability

A universal Example - Spectra

Let there be algebra - Operadic Yoga

๐”ผ n\mathbb{E}_n-operads



Monoidal Categories

Definition and Intuition

Algebra Objects

Derived Categories


Brave new Algebra

Ring Spectra, modules, algebras

Presentable and Accessible Categories

Why size matters


Presentability and the Adjoint Functor Theorem

Lurie Tensor Product

Lax Stuff via (Co)Ends

Enriched โˆž\infty-Categories

kk-linear presentable stable โˆž\infty-Categories

Derived Representation Theory


Generalized BGP Reflection Functors

Ladkaniโ€™s Theorem in the context of Ring Spectra


Last revised on August 23, 2024 at 12:42:20. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.