nLab Qi Zhu

Selected writings

I am a PhD student at the Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn under the supervision of Markus Hausmann. Previously, I’ve studied at the University of Bonn, the University of Minnesota and the Technical University of Munich.

My research interests include higher category theory and equivariant stable homotopy theory.

Pursuing (higher) category theory and homotopy theory.

See JourneyInMath and JourneysOfMathematicians for my blogs and QiZhuMath for my website.

1. Selected writings

On fractured \infty -toposes in condensed mathematics (cf. condensed local contractibility):

  • Qi Zhu, Fractured Structure on Condensed Anima, MSc thesis (2023) [pdf, pdf]


  • Qi Zhu, Fractured structure on condensed spaces, talk notes (2023) [pdf, pdf]
category: people

Last revised on October 11, 2024 at 13:43:50. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.