nLab Roberto Catenacci

Selected writings

Selected writings

Discussion of the Hodge star operator on supermanifolds (in terms of picture changing operators and integral top-forms for integration over supermanifolds):

and generally in terms of Berezin integration:

On D=3 supergravity in the D'Auria-Fré-Regge formulation:

On supersymmetric quantum mechanics in the perspective of supergeometry (integration over supermanifolds, picture changing operators):

On superstring field theory, supergeometry, integration over supermanifolds and picture changing operators:

On Lie algebra cohomology of super Lie algebras (see also the brane scan) in relation to integrable forms of coset supermanifolds:

category: people

Last revised on August 26, 2024 at 18:04:58. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.