nLab Shota Komatsu

Selected writings

Selected writings

On mass-deformation of the IKKT matrix model (analogous to how the BMN matrix model mass-deforms the BFSS matrix model) and its flat space holographic duality to certain type IIB supergravity-solutions:

  • Shota Komatsu, Adrien Martina, João Penedones, Antoine Vuignier, Xiang Zhao: Einstein gravity from a matrix integral – Part I [arXiv:2410.18173]

  • Shota Komatsu, Adrien Martina, Joao Penedones, Antoine Vuignier, Xiang Zhao: Einstein gravity from a matrix integral – Part II [arXiv:2411.18678]

category: people

Created on January 6, 2025 at 16:19:25. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.