nLab conjugation action

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1. Idea

For GG a group and V 1,V 2V_1, V_2 pair of objects equipped with GG-action, the conjugation action of GG on a morphism f:V 1V 2f \colon V_1 \to V_2 (not necessarily respecting the GG-action) is for gGg \in G given by

fgfg 1. f \mapsto g \circ f \circ g^{-1} \,.

The invariants (fixed points) of the conjugation action are the maps which do respect the GG-action, hence the homomorphisms for the GG-action, hence the GG-equivariant maps.

In the case that the GG-action on V 2V_2 is trivial, the conjugation action becomes the precomposition action and in the case that the action on V 1V_1 is trivial it becomes the postcomposition action.

In matrix calculus conjugation actions are also known as similarity transformations.

2. Definition

Definition 2.1. Given a discrete group GG and two GG-actions ρ 1\rho_1 and ρ 2\rho_2 on sets S 1S_1 and S 2S_2, respectively, then the function set [S 1,S 2][S_1, S_2] is naturally equipped with the conjugation action

Ad:[S 1,S 2]×G[S 1,S 2] Ad \;\colon \; [S_1, S_2] \times G \longrightarrow [S_1,S_2]

which takes ((S 1fS 2),g)((S_1 \stackrel{f}{\to} S_2), g) to

ρ 2()(g)fρ 1()(g 1):S 1ρ 1()(g 1)S 1fS 2ρ 2()(g)S 2. \rho_2(-)(g)\circ f \circ \rho_1(-)(g^{-1}) \;\colon\; S_1 \stackrel{\rho_1(-)(g^{-1})}{\longrightarrow} S_1 \stackrel{f}{\longrightarrow} S_2\stackrel{\rho_2(-)(g)}{\longrightarrow} S_2 \,.

Proposition 2.2. The conjugation action construction of def. 2.1 is the internal hom in the category of actions.

Proof. We need to show that for any three permutation representations, functions

ϕ:S 3[S 1,S 2] \phi \;\colon\; S_3 \longrightarrow [S_1,S_2]

which intertwine the GG-action on S 3S_3 with the conjugation action on [S 1,S 2][S_1,S_2] are in natural bijection with functions

ϕ˜:S 3×S 1S 2 \tilde \phi \;\colon\; S_3 \times S_1 \longrightarrow S_2

which intertwine the diagonal action on the Cartesian product S 3×S 1S_3 \times S_1 with the action on S 2S_2.

The condition on ϕ\phi means that for all gGg\in G and s 3S 3s_3 \in S_3 it sends

ϕ:ρ 3(s 3)(g)(s 1ρ 2(ϕ(s 3)(ρ 1(s 1)(g 1)))(g)). \phi \;\colon\; \rho_3(s_3)(g) \mapsto \left( s_1 \mapsto \rho_2\left( \phi\left(s_3\right)\left( \rho_1\left(s_1\right)\left(g^{-1}\right) \right)\right)\left(g\right) \right) \,.

This is equivalently a function ϕ˜\tilde \phi of two variables which sends

ϕ˜:(ρ 3(s 3)(g),s 1)ρ 2(ϕ(s 3)(ρ 1(s 1)(g 1)))(g). \tilde \phi \;\colon\; (\rho_3(s_3)(g), s_1) \mapsto \rho_2 ( \phi(s_3)( \rho_1(s_1)(g^{-1}) ) )(g) \,.

Since this has to hold for all values of the variables, it has to hold when substituing s 1s_1 with ρ 1(s 1)(g)\rho_1(s_1)(g). After this substitution the above becomes

ϕ˜:(ρ 3(s 3)(g),ρ 1(s 1)(g))ρ 2(ϕ(s 3)(s 1))(g). \tilde \phi \;\colon\; (\rho_3(s_3)(g), \rho_1(s_1)(g)) \mapsto \rho_2(\phi(s_3)(s_1 ))(g) \,.

This is the intertwining condition on ϕ˜\tilde \phi. Conversely, given ϕ˜\tilde \phi satisfying this for all values of the variables, then running the argument backwards shows that its hom-adjunct ϕ\phi satisfies its required intertwining condition.  ▮

The following is immediate but conceptually important:

Proposition 2.3. The invariants of the conjugation action on [S 1,S 2][S_1,S_2] is the set of action homomorphisms/intertwiners.

Hence the inclusion of invariants into the conjugation action gives the inclusion of the external hom set of the category of GG-action into the set underlying the internal hom

GAct(ρ 1,ρ 2)[ρ 1,ρ 2]. G Act(\rho_1,\rho_2)\hookrightarrow [\rho_1,\rho_2] \,.

Remark 2.4. Regarding the conjugation action as the internal hom of actions immediately gives the generalization of this concept to more general kinds of actions, notably to infinity-actions in general (infinity,1)-toposes. See at infinity-action – Conjugation action for more on this.

Last revised on August 26, 2024 at 05:40:14. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.