nLab countably prime filter



Recall that a filter FF on a lattice LL is called prime if F\bot \notin F and, whenever xyFx \vee y \in F, then xFx \in F or yFy \in F. In other words, for every finite index set II, x kFx_k \in F for some kk whenever i:Ix iF\bigvee_{i\colon I} x_i \in F.

We now generalise from finitary joins to countable joins: A filter FF on a σ \sigma -complete lattice LL is countably prime or σ\sigma-prime if, for any countable index set II, x kFx_k \in F for some kk whenever i:Ix iF\bigvee_{i\colon I} x_i \in F.

If LL is a σ \sigma -frame, then a countably prime filter of LL is given by a σ\sigma-frame homomorphism from LL to the initial σ\sigma-frame, which is the boolean domain in classical mathematics and in constructive mathematics that assumes the limited principle of omniscience. Thinking of LL as a σ \sigma -locale, this is the same as a point of LL.

Last revised on January 20, 2025 at 19:33:33. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.