nLab sigma-locale



topology (point-set topology, point-free topology)

see also differential topology, algebraic topology, functional analysis and topological homotopy theory


Basic concepts

Universal constructions

Extra stuff, structure, properties


Basic statements


Analysis Theorems

topological homotopy theory



A σ\sigma-locale is, intuitively, like a σ \sigma -topological space that may or may not have enough points (or even any points at all). It contains things we call open subspaces but there may or may not be enough points to distinguish between open subspaces. An open subspace in a σ\sigma-locale can be regarded as conveying a bounded amount of information about the (hypothetical) points that it contains.

Similar to topological spaces and locales, every σ\sigma-topological space can be regarded as a σ\sigma-locale (with some lost information if the space is not sober). The σ\sigma-locales arising this way are the topological or spatial σ\sigma-locales. Conversely, every σ\sigma-locale induces a σ\sigma-topology on its set of points, but sometimes a great deal of information is lost; in particular, there are many different σ\sigma-locales whose set of points is empty.


A σ\sigma-locale XX is a sigma-frame, commonly labelled as 𝒪(X)\mathcal{O}(X).

A continuous function f:XYf:X \to Y between σ\sigma-locales XX and YY is a sigma-frame homomorphism f *:𝒪(Y)𝒪(X)f^*:\mathcal{O}(Y) \to \mathcal{O}(X), a monotonic function which preserves finite meets and countable joins.

Subsidiary notions


As a σ\sigma-locale, the abstract point is the locale 11 whose σ\sigma-frame of opens is the initial sigma-frame Σ\Sigma, which is a σ\sigma-subframe of truth values ΣΩ\Sigma \subseteq \Omega. in classical mathematics and in constructive mathematics that assumes the limited principle of omniscience, the initial σ\sigma-frame is the boolean domain {<}\{\bot \lt \top\}. This is the terminal object in σLocale\sigma \mathrm{Locale}, since we must have (for f:X1f\colon X \to 1) f *()= Xf^*(\top) = \top_X and f *()= Xf^*(\bot) = \bot_X.

Given a σ\sigma-locale XX, a concrete point of XX may be defined in any of the following equivalent ways:

  1. A point of XX is a continuous map f:1Xf\colon 1 \to X;
  2. Unravelling this in terms of f *:O(X)O(1)f^*\colon O(X) \to O(1) and viewing this as a characteristic function, a point of XX is a countably prime filter in O(X)O(X);


Relation to σ\sigma-topological spaces

Every σ \sigma -topological space XX has a σ\sigma-frame of opens O(X)O(X), and therefore gives rise to a σ\sigma-locale X LX_L. For every continuous function f:XYf\colon X \to Y between σ\sigma-topological spaces, the inverse image map f 1:O(Y)O(X)f^{-1}\colon O(Y) \to O(X) is a σ\sigma-frame homomorphism, so ff induces a continuous map f L:X LY Lf_L\colon X_L \to Y_L of locales. Thus we have a functor

() L:(-)_L\colon σTop\sigma\mathrm{Top} \to σLocale\sigma\mathrm{Locale}.

Conversely, if XX is any σ\sigma-locale, we define a point of XX to be a continuous map 1X1 \to X. Here 11 is the terminal σ\sigma-locale, which can be defined as the σ\sigma-locale 1 L1_L corresponding to the terminal space. Explicitly, we have O(1)=1 ΣO(1) = 1^\Sigma, the function set from 11 to the initial σ\sigma-frame Σ\Sigma, which is a σ\sigma-subframe of the frame of truth values ΣΩ\Sigma \subseteq \Omega and which is the boolean domain in classical mathematics or in constructive mathematics when assuming the limited principle of omniscience. Since a σ\sigma-frame homomorphism O(X)1 ΣO(X) \to 1^\Sigma is determined by the preimage of 11 (the true truth value), a point can also be described more explicitly as a countably prime filter: an upwards-closed subset FF of O(X)O(X) such that XFX \in F (XX denotes the top element of O(X)O(X)), if U,VFU,V \in F then UVFU \cap V \in F, and given a countable index set II, if iU iF\bigcup_i U_i \in F then U iFU_i \in F for some iIi \in I.

The elements of O(X)O(X) induce a σ \sigma -topology on the set of points of XX in an obvious way, thereby giving rise to a σ\sigma-topological space X ΣX_\Sigma. Any continuous map f:XYf\colon X \to Y of locales induces a continuous map f Σ:X ΣY Σf_\Sigma\colon X_\Sigma \to Y_\Sigma of spaces, so we have another functor

() Σ:σLocaleσTop(-)_\Sigma\colon \sigma\mathrm{Locale} \to \sigma\mathrm{Top}.

One finds that () L(-)_L is left adjoint to () Σ(-)_\Sigma.


A σ \sigma -topological XX with XX LΣX \cong X_{L \Sigma} is called sober.

A σ\sigma-locale with XX ΣLX \cong X_{\Sigma L} is called spatial or topological; one also says that it has enough points.


Last revised on January 20, 2025 at 19:42:49. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.