nLab sigma-complete lattice




A σ\sigma-complete lattice is a lattice (L,,,,,)(L, \leq, \bot, \vee, \top, \wedge) with a function

i:()(i):(L)L\Vee_{i:\mathbb{N}} (-)(i): (\mathbb{N} \to L) \to L

such that

  • for all natural numbers nn \in \mathbb{N} and sequences s:Ls: \mathbb{N} \to L

    s(n) is(i) s(n) \leq \Vee_{i \in \mathbb{N}} s(i)
  • for all elements xLx \in L and sequences s:Ls:\mathbb{N} \to L, if s(n)xs(n) \leq x for all natural numbers nn \in \mathbb{N}, then

    is(i)x\Vee_{i \in \mathbb{N}} s(i) \leq x


Given an element aLa \in L, let tat \mapsto a denote the constant sequence to aa, and given an element aLa \in L and a sequence s:Ls:\mathbb{N} \to L, let T(a,s):LT(a, s):\mathbb{N} \to L denote the sequence inductively defined by T(a,s,0)=aT(a, s, 0) = a and T(a,s,n+1)=s(n)T(a, s, n + 1) = s(n). For simplicity, we denote the infinitary operation as

V(s) is(i):(L)LV(s) \coloneqq \Vee_{i \in \mathbb{N}} s(i):(\mathbb{N} \to L) \to L

The infinitary operation on a σ\sigma-complete lattice LL is

  • commutative in that given a sequence s:Ls:\mathbb{N} \to L and a bijection b:b:\mathbb{N} \cong \mathbb{N},
V(s)=V(sb)V(s) = V(s \circ b)
  • idempotent in that given an element aLa \in L,
V(ta)=aV(t \mapsto a) = a
  • associative in that given an element aLa \in L and sequences r:Lr:\mathbb{N} \to L and s:Ls:\mathbb{N} \to L,
V(T(V(T(a,r)),s))=V(T(V(T(a,s)),r))V(T(V(T(a, r)), s)) = V(T(V(T(a, s)), r))

i.e. using concatenation to denote the infinitary operation

(r 3r 2r 1r 0a)s 0s 1s 2s 3=r 3r 2r 1r 0(as 0s 1s 2s 3)(\ldots r_3 r_2 r_1 r_0 a) s_0 s_1 s_2 s_3 \ldots = \ldots r_3 r_2 r_1 r_0 (a s_0 s_1 s_2 s_3 \ldots)

The commutative property being satisfied ensures that all other possible associativity equations are satisfied as well.

  • The bottom element L\bot \in L is a neutral element of the infinitary operation in the sense that for all elements aLa \in L
V(T(a,t))=aV(T(a, t \to \bot)) = a

The commutative property being satisfied ensures that all other possible neutral element equations are satisfied as well.

See also


Last revised on January 20, 2025 at 18:43:32. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.