A functor is a discrete fibration if for every object in , and every morphism of the form in there is a unique morphism in such that .
A functor is a discrete opfibration if is a discrete fibration.
A discrete fibration is a special case of a Grothendieck fibration, namely one where each fiber is a set.
Given a cartesian category , internal categories in , an internal functor is a discrete fibration of internal categories if the square
is cartesian.
Given a discrete fibration , define a functor as follows:
There is a size issue here, is in fact small? We say that the fibration has small fibres if so; else we must pass to a larger universe when we define Set.
Conversely, give a functor , define a category and a discrete fibration as follows:
If you start from , construct and , and then construct a new , it will be equal to the original . Conversely, if you start with and , construct , and then construct a new and , then there will be an isomorphism of categories between and , relative to which and are equal.
Under this equivalence, the representable presheaf on an object corresponds to the canonical functor from the slice category over .
Note that the definition of fibration refers to equality of morphisms without previously assuming that the sources match, while the construction of from refers to equality of objects. This is also why we get equality of functors and isomorphism of categories in the immediately preceding paragraph. So the only thing on this page which respects the principle of equivalence is the idea of a functor to Set. That is the fundamental invariant notion; a discrete fibration is just a convenient way of talking about it.
Theorem 4.1. (Moser–Sarazola, Theorem 2.18.) Suppose is a category. The slice category admits a combinatorial model structure with the following properties.
Theorem 4.2. (Moser–Sarazola, Theorem 3.9.) Suppose is a category. There is a Quillen equivalence
where is equipped with a model structure for discrete fibrations, is equipped with the projective model structure (weak equivalences are isomorphisms; cofibrations and fibrations are all maps), the right adjoint is given by the category of elements construction, and the left adjoint adds formal strict base changes to a fibration in order to a get a strict presheaf of sets.
Just as general fibrations, discrete fibrations are stable under pullbacks in Cat.
Discrete (op)fibrations are the right class of the comprehensive factorisation system.
Let be a cartesian category. A span of internal categories in is called a discrete fibration from to if in the diagram
in which the two squares are the cartesian satisfies the following 3 properties:
is a discrete fibration
is a discrete opfibration
Let be defined as the pullback
and the canonical inclusion. Then the morphism , where is the composition morphism of internal category , is invertible.
Example. Given internal functors and in , the obvious span is a discrete fibration from to .
Model structure:
See also:
A joint generalisation of the notions of discrete fibrations and discrete opfibrations are studied in the following paper under the name unique factorization liftings, i.e. discrete Conduché functors:
Last revised on March 27, 2024 at 19:50:36. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.