nLab enriched Lawvere theory

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The notion of enriched Lawvere theory or enriched algebraic theory is a generalization of Lawvere theories to the setting of enriched categories.

Definitions and elementary properties


An enriched Lawvere theory over a locally finitely presentable? VV-enriched category AA is a small VV-enriched category LL together with a VV-enriched functor J:A f opLJ\colon A_f^{op}\to L that induces an identity map on the set of objects. Here A fA_f denotes the full subcategory of finitely presentable objects in AA. The category VV is a locally finitely presentable closed symmetric monoidal category.


An algebra over an enriched Lawvere theory is an object XX in AA equipped with a functor M:LVM\colon L\to V whose precomposition with JJ is isomorphic to the representable functor of XX.


For the case A=SetA=Set the above definition recovers the usual notion of a Lawvere theory and an algebra over a Lawvere theory.


The forgetful functor from algebras to AA is a finitary enriched monadic functor? (over VV).


The category of enriched Lawvere theories over AA is equivalent to the category of finitary enriched monads? over AA. The corresponding VV-enriched categories of algebras are also equivalent.


Last revised on November 7, 2023 at 10:17:27. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.