nLab error correcting code

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1. Idea

In coding theory, an error correcting code is a means to encode data in a way that is robust against errors (noise).

Very broadly, for LL a finite set playing the role of a space of states that is to be saved/communicated/analyzed, an error correcting code for LL is an injection LPL \overset{\;\;\;}{\hookrightarrow} P into a larger set. The idea is that noise/errors move the image of LL within PP, but if PP is large enough and the embedding chosen well enough, then a sufficiently small number of errors stays within a small neighbourhood of LL in PP that allows to retract back to LL.

The simplest example is the repetition code, where the inclusion is the diagonal on the nn-fold Cartesian product

L diag PL××Lnfactors (,,). \array{ L & \overset{diag}{\hookrightarrow} & P \coloneqq \underset{n \; factors}{\underbrace{L \times \cdots \times L}} \\ \ell &\mapsto& (\ell, \cdots, \ell) } \,.

This code “protects against n/21n/2-1 errors” in an evident sense.

Much attention in coding theory is instead on the special class of linear codes, where LL and PP carry the structure of vector spaces (necessarily over a finite field if they are finite sets of relevance in practice) and where the inclusion LPL \hookrightarrow P is a linear map.

2. Examples

3. References


See also the references at coding theory and linear code.

An observation on classical codes preconceiving aspects of holographic tensor network quantum error correcting codes:

Relation to 2d CFT

Construction of chiral 2d SCFTs from error-correcting codes:

On their elliptic genera

  • Kohki Kawabata, Shinichiro Yahagi, Elliptic genera from classical error-correcting codes [arXiv:2308.12592]

Last revised on August 24, 2024 at 12:26:10. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.