This entry is about two senses of extension: extension of morphisms, dual to lift, and extension of objects (algebra extension). In foundations and formal logic there is also semantical extension and context extension.
An extension
of a morphism
along a morphism
(often assumed to be a monomorphism)
a morphism
such that ,
hence a completion of the span to a commuting diagram like this:
The dual problem is that of lifting a morphism through an (epi)morphism , giving a morphism such that .
In a category with a notion of short exact sequence (e.g. any semiabelian category, Quillen exact category etc.) an extension of an object by an object is any object fitting in a short exact sequence of the form
For further cases, such as group extension, Lie algebra extension, infinitesimal extension etc., see at algebra extension.
Classification of extensions in many categories is obtained using a forgetful functor to a simpler category , which preserves short exact sequences. For example, if all extensions in are isomorphic to , then one looks for an additional structure in needed to equip the coproduct with a structure of an object in such that the and are morphisms in making above a short exact sequence in .
In something like the dual sense of the above, extension is also used to indicate a kind of enlargement of an object in the sense that the object being extended can be viewed as a subobject of the extension. This is the case for field extensions, .
The Tietze extension theorem is about extensions of continuous maps from a subspace to a normal toplogical space.
extension theorems | continuous functions | smooth functions |
plain functions | Tietze extension theorem | Whitney extension theorem |
equivariant functions | equivariant Tietze extension theorem |
See at extended representation,
For example, in the category Grp of (possibly nonabelian) groups one has a short exact sequence usually denoted corresponding to a group extension.
General discussion with an eye towards algebraic topology and the Tietze extension theorem:
Last revised on March 24, 2025 at 19:08:42. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.