nLab extended representation



Given a subgroup inclusion HιGH \xhookrightarrow{\iota} G there is the evident functor ι *:Rep(G)Rep(H)\iota^\ast \,\colon\, Rep(G) \xrightarrow{\;} Rep(H) sending any linear representation of GG to its restricted representation of HH. The adjoints to this construction are given by forming left/right induced representations.

But one may also ask, for any linear representation ρRep(H)\rho \in Rep(H) of the subgroup, to extend it to a representation of GG, namely to find any ρ^Rep(G)\widehat{\rho} \in Rep(G) such that ρ=ι *(ρ^)\rho \,=\, \iota^\ast\big(\widehat{\rho}\big).

Specifically, for RR the ground field (or ground ring) and GL n(R)GL_n(R) denoting its general linear groups (nn \in \mathbb{N}), then the given representation is equivalently a group homomorphism HρGL n(R)H \xrightarrow{\rho} GL_n(R) and an extended representation of ρ\rho is an extension of this morphism along the group inclusion:

Specifically when HιGH \xrightarrow{\iota} G is a normal subgroup inclusion and ρ\rho is an irreducible representation, there is a classification of extended irreps, — hence of irreps of GG relative to the given irrep of HH — either on the nose or at least as projective representations (Isaacs 1976)


Extensions along normal subgroup inclusions


It is immediate but important that:


For ρ\rho to admit any extension to GG it is necessary that the isomorphism class [ρ][\rho] of ρ\rho is invariant under the conjugation action

Rep(H) () g Rep(H) ρ ρ(g()g 1) \begin{array}{ccc} Rep(H) &\overset{(-)^g}{\longrightarrow}& Rep(H) \\ \rho &\mapsto& \rho\big(g(-)g^{-1}\big) \end{array}

by all elements gGg \in G:

(1)gG[ρ]=[ρ g]. \underset{ g \in G }{\forall} \;\;\; [\rho] = \big[\rho^g\big] \,.


Consider ρ^\widehat{\rho} any extension and gGg \in G any element. Then the fact that ρ^\widehat{\rho} is a GG-representation extending ρ\rho implies for nNn \in N that

ρ^(g)ρ(n)ρ^(g 1) = ρ^(g)ρ^(n)ρ^(g 1) = ρ^(gng 1) = ρ(gng 1) = ρ g(n). \begin{array}{ccl} \widehat{\rho}(g) \circ \rho(n) \circ \widehat{\rho}(g^{-1}) &=& \widehat{\rho}(g) \circ \widehat{\rho}(n) \circ \widehat{\rho}(g^{-1}) \\ &=& \widehat{\rho}\big(g n g^{-1}\big) \\ &=& \rho\big(g n g^{-1}\big) \\ &=& \rho^g(n) \,. \end{array}

But this says equivalently that ρ^(g)\widehat{\rho}(g) is an intertwiner which constitutes an isomorphism of representations

ρρ^(g)ρ g, \rho \xrightarrow[\sim]{ \widehat{\rho}(g) } \rho^g \,,

and hence that [ρ]=[ρ g][\rho] = \big[\rho^g\big].

Now assume in addition that


There always exists a projective extension of ρ\rho in the sense of a projective representation ρ˜PRep(G)\widetilde{\rho} \in PRep(G) satisfying, for nNn \in N and gGg \in G,

  1. ρ^(n)=ρ(n)\widehat{\rho}(n) \,=\, \rho(n),

  2. ρ^(gn)=ρ^(g)ρ^(n)\widehat{\rho}(g n) = \widehat{\rho}(g) \circ \widehat{\rho}(n),

  3. ρ^(ng)=ρ^(n)ρ^(g)\widehat{\rho}(n g) = \widehat{\rho}(n) \circ \widehat{\rho}(g),

and any pair ρ^,ρ^\widehat{\rho}, \widehat{\rho}' of such differ only by a function on GG with values in the group of units k ×k^{\times} and depending only on cosets,

(2)μ:GG/Nk ×, \mu \,\colon\, G \xrightarrow{\;} G/N \xrightarrow{\;} k^\times \,,

in that

ρ˜()=ρ˜()μ(). \widetilde{\rho}'(-) \;=\; \widetilde{\rho}(-) \cdot \mu(-) \,.

(Isaacs 1976 Thm. 11.2)


Given any projective extension ρ˜\widetilde{\rho} according to Prop. , the corresponding 2-cocycle in the group cohomology of GG,

α˜:G×Gk ×,s.t.g iGρ˜(g 1)ρ˜(g 1)=ρ˜(g 1g 2)α˜(g 1,g 2), \widetilde{\alpha} \,\colon\, G \times G \longrightarrow k^{\times} \,, \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; \text{s.t.} \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; \underset{g_i \in G}{\forall} \;\; \widetilde{\rho}(g_1) \circ \widetilde{\rho}(g_1) \;=\; \widetilde{\rho}(g_1 g_2) \cdot \widetilde{\alpha}(g_1, g_2) \,,

comes from a 2-cocycle α\alpha on the quotient group

α˜:G×G(G/N)×(G/N)αk × \widetilde{\alpha} \;\colon\; G \times G \twoheadrightarrow (G/N) \times (G/N) \xrightarrow{ \alpha } k^{\times}

whose group cohomology class

[α]H 2(G/N;k ×) [\alpha] \,\in\, H^2\big(G/N;\, k^\times\big)

depends only on [ρ][\rho] (is independent of the choice of ρ˜\widetilde{\rho}).

Finally, ρ\rho admits an actual extension ρ^\widehat{\rho} iff that class is trivial, [α]=0[\alpha] = 0.

(Isaacs 1976 Thm. 11.7)


It follows moreover that if an extension ρ^\widehat{\rho} exists, then this is unique up to multiplication with (the pullback to GG of) a group character μ\mu on G/NG/N (2).



Further discussion:

  • Peter Schmid: Extending irreducible representations of normal subgroups, Journal of Algebra 94 1 (1985) 30-51 [doi:10.1016/0021-8693(85)90203-0]

  • G. Karpilovsky: On extension of characters from normal subgroups, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 27 (1984) 7-9 [doi:10.1017/S0013091500022057, pdf]

  • Qiang Huang: Extension of irreducible characters from normal subgroups, Linear and Multilinear Algebra 27 2 (1990) [doi;10.1080/03081089008818001]

  • Robert B. Howlett : Extending characters from normal subgroups, in Topics in Algebra, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 697 (2006) 1–7 [doi:10.1007/BFb0103119]

Last revised on March 25, 2025 at 11:29:35. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.