nLab filter of a ring




Given a ring RR, a left filter of RR is a multiplicative subset (F,1,)(F, 1, \cdot) (here we assume that multiplicative subsets have the unit and are thus submonoids of RR) of (R,1,)(R, 1, \cdot), with monoid monomorphism i:FRi:F \hookrightarrow R, such that for all elements zFz \in F and yRy \in R, if there is an element wRw \in R such that i(z)=wyi(z) = w \cdot y, then there is an element xFx \in F such that i(z)=i(x)yi(z) = i(x) \cdot y.

A right filter of RR is a multiplicative subset (F,1,)(F, 1, \cdot) of (R,1,)(R, 1, \cdot), with monoid monomorphism i:FRi:F \hookrightarrow R, such that for all elements zFz \in F and yRy \in R, if there is an element wRw \in R such that i(z)=ywi(z) = y \cdot w, then there is an element xFx \in F such that i(z)=yi(x)i(z) = y \cdot i(x).

A two-sided filter is a multiplicative subset (F,1,)(F, 1, \cdot) of (R,1,)(R, 1, \cdot) with monoid monomorphism i:FRi:F \hookrightarrow R that is both a left filter and a right filter.

See also


Last revised on July 3, 2022 at 15:07:59. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.