symmetric monoidal (∞,1)-category of spectra
(under construction)
Let be a reduced coherent (∞,1)-operad and be a stable -monoidal -category (that is, an -algebra in the -category of stable -categories and exact functors). Then, Theorem of (Lurie) presents --modules as stabilization of -algebras over .
The stabilization is canonically equivalent to .
The associated suspension-loops adjunction is an -algebra version of the adjunction between cotangent complexes and split square-zero extensions. To see the theorem, begin by noting that the we may reduce to the case of the -monoidal unit by expressing --algebras as -algebras under :
To see this in the unital case, taking Kernels of the augmentation yields a monadic “augmentation ideal” functor
whose associated monad corresponds with the positive-arity -symmetric powers:
By stability of , the augmentation ideal factors through a monadic functor which turns out to be the first Goodwillie derivative
Intuitively, when , the term in the monad is a colimit of spaces becoming arbitrarily highly connected, so it is contractible, demonstrating that is the identity monad.
(∞,1)-operad, model structure on operads
algebra over an (∞,1)-operad, model structure on algebras over an operad
Section 3.3.3 of
Last revised on January 4, 2025 at 16:26:48. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.