Let be a compact Lie group and write for its loop group. See there for details and notation.
We discuss the quantization of loop groups in the sense of geometric quantization of their canonical prequantum bundle.
Let be a compact Lie group. Let be the inclusion of a maximal torus. There is a fiber sequence
Remark 1.1. By the discussion at orbit method, if is a semisimple Lie group, then is isomorphic to the coadjoint orbit of an element for which is the stabilizer subgroup.
If moreover is simply connected, then the weight lattice of the Lie group is isomorphic to the group of group characters
Proposition 1.2. The irreducible projective positive energy representations of correspond precisley to the possible geometric quantizations of (as in the orbit method).
More in detail:
The degree-2 integral cohomology of is
Writing for the corresponding complex line bundle with level and weight we have that
the space of holomorphic sections of is either zero or is an irreducible positive energy representation;
every such arises this way;
and is non-zero precisely if is positive in the sense that for each positive coroot? of
This appears for instance as (Segal, prop. 4.2).
The standard textbook on loop groups is
A review talk is
Created on November 6, 2013 at 03:05:42. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.