A Grothendieck topology on a small Cauchy complete category is rigid when the corresponding sheaf topos is of the form for some full subcategory . In particular, is an essential subtopos of .
Let be a small Cauchy complete category and a Grothendieck topology on , an object is called -irreducible if the only covering sieve is the maximal sieve.
is called rigid when for every object there exists a -covering sieve generated by the family of all morphisms from -irreducible objects to .
Let be a rigid topology on the small Cauchy complete category and the induced Grothendieck topology on the full subcategory of -irreducible objects. Then
The first equivalence follows from the comparison lemma and the second equivalence from the fact that is the minimal topology on whence every presheaf is a sheaf (cf. Johnstone, C2.2.18). Since arises by Kan extension of the (full) subcategory inclusion the subtopos inclusion is in fact essential.
Trivially, for any all objects are -irreducible for the minimal topology consisting of only the maximal sieves whence is rigid.
Similarly, the collection of all sieves is rigid because then no object is -irreducible which in turn says by the definition of rigidity that for any which in turn implies that every sieve .
On a finite Cauchy complete category every Grothendieck topology is rigid (cf. Johnstone, C2.2.21); By a remark there on p.562 the same holds if merely all slices are finite as happens e.g. in the case of the semi-simplex category where any object receives only maps from with .
Peter Johnstone, Sketches of an Elephant II, Oxford UP 2002. (C2.2.18, pp.560-563)
Jérémie Marquès, A Criterion for Categories on which every Grothendieck Topology is Rigid, arXiv:2407.1847 (2024). (abstract)
Last revised on November 14, 2024 at 21:55:09. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.