A strict total order or strict linear order is the irreflexive version of a total order. This is sometimes called linear order, but linear order is also used to refer to the non-strict total order.
A strictly totally ordered set or strictly linearly ordered set is a set equipped with a strict total order.
In classical mathematics, the distinction between strict total orders and total orders is merely a terminological technicality, which is not always observed; more precisely, there is a natural bijection between the set of total orders on a given set and the set of strict total orders on , and one distinguishes them by the notation (for the strict total orders) and (for the total order). In constructive mathematics, however, there exist total orders whose negation is not a strict total order.
A strict total order or strict linear order or decidable pseudo-order on a set is a pseudo-order which additionally is decidable in that or . Rewriting as the partial order , the decidability condition is equivalent to the linearity condition , hence the name strict linear order or linear order.
Equivalently, a strict total order or a strict linear order is a strict weak order which satisfies trichotomy: or or .
Since is a decidable proposition, the proposition is also a decidable proposition due to asymmetry. An alternate way of writing the connectedness axiom of a pseudo-order is * if not ( xor ), then . which the decidability of the exclusive disjunction implies that ( xor ) xor .
Theorem 3.1. The negation of every strict linear order is a total order
Proof. This follows from trichotomy and linearity. We have or or and or , which implies that or if and only if . Then, since disjunction is idempotent and equality is symmetric, we have or or or , which is logically equivalent to totality or . ▮
Theorem 3.2. Assuming excluded middle, the negation of every total order is a strict linear order.
Proof. … ▮
Given a proposition , can be made into a subsingleton set by considering the subset of the singleton . Let denote the disjoint union of sets and , and let denote the function set with domain and codomain .
Theorem 3.3. Every strict total order on a set is purely cotransitive: Given elements , , and in , one can construct an element of the function set
Proof. We prove this by case analysis.
Suppose that . Then one can construct the element and by definition of disjoint union an element . is given by the constant function .
Now suppose that . This means that , and one can construct the element . By definition of disjoint union one can construct an element . is given by the constant function .
Since is decidable this covers every possible case. Thus, every decidable pseudo-order is purely cotransitive. ▮
The above proof first appeared for the pseudo-order of the real numbers in theorem 11.4.3 of the HoTT book in the context of dependent type theory.
Corollary 3.4. Suppose that the rational numbers are a subset of the decidably pseudo-ordered set , and the canonical injection is strictly monotonic. Then for every element of one can construct a locator for .
Proof. The locator is given by the dependent function
which always exists by the previous theorem and by the fact that the rational numbers are a subset of which preserves the pseudo-order. ▮
The definition of linearity for an order relation is given on page 377 of
For a proof that the strict linear order on the real numbers is purely cotransitive, see theorem 11.4.3 of:
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