nLab twisted arrow (∞,1)-category

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This is the generalization of twisted arrow category to (∞,1)-categories.


In the case of quasicategories, we can give an explicit definition. For a quasi-category CC we define the twisted arrow quasi-category Tw(C)Tw(C) to be

Tw(C) n=sSet((Δ n) op(Δ n),C) Tw(C)_n = sSet((\Delta^n)^{op} \star (\Delta^n), C)

The insertions into the components of the join determine natural transformations src:Tw(C)C opsrc : Tw(C) \to C^{op} and tgt:Tw(C)Ctgt : Tw(C) \to C.

By Kerodon, tag 03K9, this definition respects equivalences between quasi-categories, and thus descends to a functor Tw:(,1)Cat(,1)CatTw : (\infty,1)Cat \to (\infty,1)Cat.

Since (Δ n) op(Δ n)(\Delta^n)^{op} \star (\Delta^n) is preserved by taking opposites, this construction satisfies Tw(C)=Tw(C op)Tw(C) = Tw(C^{op}), and swaps the source and target maps.

The opposite convention often appears in the literature,

Tw¯(C) n=sSet((Δ n)(Δ n) op,C) \overline{Tw}(C)_n = sSet((\Delta^n) \star (\Delta^n)^{op}, C)

and comes with natural transformations src¯:Tw¯(C)C\overline{src} : \overline{Tw}(C) \to C and tgt¯:Tw¯(C)C op\overline{tgt} : \overline{Tw}(C) \to C^{op}.

This satisfies Tw¯(C)Tw(C) op\overline{Tw}(C) \simeq Tw(C)^{op}.


If CC is a 1-category, then Tw(C)Tw(C) agrees with the 1-categorical version. In the quasi-category model we have an even stronger statement


If CC is a 1-category, there is an isomorphism T:N(Tw(C))Tw(N(C))T : N(Tw(C)) \cong Tw(N(C)) of simplicial sets, uniquely determined by the properties that T(f)=fT(f) = f and that the source and target maps are consistent with the obvious map N(C op×C)N(C) op×N(C)N(C^{op} \times C) \cong N(C)^{op} \times N(C).


This is Kerodon, tag 03JN.

For a quasi-category CC, both Tw(C)Tw(C) and Tw¯(C)\overline{Tw}(C) are quasi-categories. This follows from the following characterization:

  • Tw(C)C op×CTw(C) \to C^{op} \times C is the left fibration classfied by the hom-space functor C op×CGpdC^{op} \times C \to \infty Gpd.

  • Tw¯(C)C×C op\overline{Tw}(C) \to C \times C^{op} is the right fibration classified the hom-space functor C op×CGpdC^{op} \times C \to \infty Gpd.


This description of Tw¯(C)\overline{Tw}(C) is Lurie 4.2.5. The left fibration classified by a map is the opposite of the right fibration classified by the same map. Alternatively, this is Kerodon, tag 03JQ.

This means that we have the formulas Tw(C)el(hom C)(*hom)Tw(C) \simeq el(\hom_C) \simeq ({*} \downarrow \hom), just as in the 1-category version.

We can say more:


If CDC \to D is an inner fibration of simplicial sets, then the universal map

Tw(C)(C op×C)× D op×DTw(D)Tw(C) \to (C^{op} \times C) \times_{D^{\op} \times D} Tw(D)

is a left fibration.


This is Kerodon, tag 03JT.


Tw:sSetsSetTw : sSet \to sSet is a right Quillen functor with respect to the model structure for quasicategories


Let LL be the left adjoint. LL preserves monomorphisms, so we need to show it preserves trivial cofibrations. The model structure for quasicategories is a Cisinski model structure, so a map is a trivial cofibration iff it has the left lifting property against fibrations between fibrant objects, which in this case are the categorical fibrations between quasicategories.

Suppose ii is a trivial cofibration, and let f:CDf : C \to D be a categorical fibration between quasi-categories. Since left Kan fibrations are categorical fibrations, the previous lemma implies Tw(f)Tw(f) is a categorical fibration between quasicategories, so iTw(f)i \perp Tw(f), and thus L(i)fL(i) \perp f.


Last revised on February 1, 2025 at 16:45:00. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.