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Higher category theory
higher category theory
Basic concepts
Basic theorems
Universal constructions
Extra properties and structure
1-categorical presentations
Limits and colimits
limits and colimits
limit and colimit
limits and colimits by example
commutativity of limits and colimits
small limit
filtered colimit
sifted colimit
connected limit, wide pullback
preserved limit, reflected limit, created limit
product, fiber product, base change, coproduct, pullback, pushout, cobase change, equalizer, coequalizer, join, meet, terminal object, initial object, direct product, direct sum
finite limit
Kan extension
weighted limit
end and coend
fibered limit
The refinement of the concept of lax colimits from category theory to (infinity,1)-category theory.
-valued diagrams
In the special case of functors , lax (co)limits can be given by the (∞,1)-end and coend.
where and are the functors sending a morphism of to the composition functors and .
Take care to note that lax colimits correspond to oplax cones, just as in the 2-categorical case.
These operations also have simple descriptions in terms of fibrations
Let . Then
where and are the covariant and contravariant (∞,1)-Grothendieck construction, and is the hom-category functor on .
For the case of lax limits (and dually oplax limits), we can compute
using the fact is the free cocartesian fibration generated by .
For the case of oplax colimits (and dually lax colimits), we can observe , , and the forgetful functor preserve colimits and both sides of the isomorphism send . Thus, they agree on the smallest full subcategory of containing these functors and closed under small colimits, which is the entirety of .
It’s worth noting morphisms in between cocartesian fibrations can be thought of as lax transformations, so this agrees with the intuition that should be the category of lax natural transformations and similar.
Let be the terminal functor. Then and ,
If is the diagram depicting a functor , then the lax limits are the comma categories and . Dually, the lax colimits are mapping cylinders: and .