Spahn étale topos (Rev #3, changes)

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Let HH be a topos, letE:=(H/X) E:=(H/X)_\Box (\Box-closed/étale morphisms over XX).


In Like every reflective subcategory of a toposEE every is monomorphism closed ist under a limits and colimits.strong monomorphism?.

Proof Lemma

EEIn is a topos and hence any monomorphism in EEHH every monomorphism ist a is strong. Letstrong monomorphism?.

Q Y Z W\array{ Q&\to&Y \\ \downarrow&\nearrow&\downarrow \\ Z&\to&W }

be a solved lifting problem with YWY\to W an etale monomorphism, ZWZ\to W an etale morphism, and QZQ\to Z an epimorphism. Then by the left cancellation property also ZYZ\to Y is etale. This remains true if we consider the lifting problem in H/XH/X.


EE is a topos and hence any monomorphism in HH is strong. Let

Q Y Z W\array{ Q&\to&Y \\ \downarrow&\nearrow&\downarrow \\ Z&\to&W }

be a solved lifting problem with YWY\to W an etale monomorphism, ZWZ\to W an etale morphism, and QZQ\to Z an epimorphism. Then by the left cancellation property also ZYZ\to Y is etale. This remains true if we consider the lifting problem in H/XH/X.

Revision on December 9, 2012 at 22:40:43 by Stephan Alexander Spahn?. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.