nLab Bimod

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Category theory

Enriched category theory

Categorical algebra



For any monoidal category VV with coequalisers, one can form a bicategory Bimod(V)Bimod(V) of bimodules as follows:

  • The objects of Bimod(V)Bimod(V) are monoids RR, SS internal to VV.

  • The 1-morphisms are (R,S)(R,S)-bimodules. That is, objects AA in VV with a compatible left action of RR and right action of SS. The composition is given by a generalization of the usual notion of tensor product: For an (R,S)(R,S)-bimodule AA and an (S,T)(S,T)-bimodule BB, a new (R,T)(R,T)-bimodule A SBA \otimes_S B is computed as the coequaliser of AA‘s right action and BB’s left action of SS.

    ASBρB AλABA SB A \otimes S \otimes B \begin{matrix} \overset{\rho \otimes B}{\rightarrow} \\ \underset{A \otimes \lambda}{\rightarrow} \end{matrix}\,\, A \otimes B \rightarrow A \otimes_S B
  • 2-morphisms, are bimodule homomorphisms.

In the case where V=V = Ab, this recovers the usual notion of bimodules and their tensor product.

More generally, profunctors over any monoidal category are referred to as bimodule objects. Composition in this case replaces the colimit above with a coend.

This structure may be extended to that a double category, where the tight morphisms are given by monoid homomorphisms.

See also

Last revised on February 17, 2025 at 09:29:46. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.