nLab Joyal-Tierney calculus

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In the context of factorization systems such as they appear notably in enriched model category one frequently needs to handle iterated lifting problems. In the appendix of (Joyal–Tierney, 06) a symbolic calculus is introduced to facilitate these computations.

A central point of it is to have the statement of prop. below be easily expressible in terms of “division on both sides”-operations.

The calculus


Let \mathcal{E} be a category (locally small).


For f,gMor()f, g \in Mor(\mathcal{E}), write

fg f \,⧄\, g

if ff has the left lifting property against gg, or equivalently if gg has the right lifting property against ff.

For SS \in \mathcal{E} an object, write

fS f \,⧄\, S

to indicate that for the morphism f:XYf : X \to Y the induced hom set morphism

(f,S):(Y,S)(X,S) \mathcal{E}(f, S) : \mathcal{E}(Y,S) \to \mathcal{E}(X,S)

is surjective, dually for

Sf. S \,⧄\, f \,.

In the case that \mathcal{E} has a terminal object ** we have equivalently

fSf(S*) f \,⧄\, S \;\;\Leftrightarrow\;\; f \,⧄\, (S \to *)

and if \mathcal{E} has an initial object \emptyset we have equivalently

Sf(S)f. S \,⧄\, f \;\;\Leftrightarrow \;\; (\emptyset \to S) \,⧄\, f \,.

Accordingly, for QMor()Q \subset Mor(\mathcal{E}) write Q{}^{⧄}Q and Q Q^{⧄} for the class of morphisms with left or right lifting property against all elements of QQ, respectively.


If (LR):(L \dashv R) : \mathcal{E} \to \mathcal{F} is a pair of adjoint functors, then

fR(g)L(f)g f \,⧄\, R(g) \;\; \Leftrightarrow \;\; L(f) \,⧄\, g

A pair of classes of morphisms (L,R)(L,R) in \mathcal{E} is a weak factorization system precisely if

  1. every morphism in \mathcal{E} factors as the composition of a morphism in LL followed by a morphism in RR;

  2. R=L R = L^{⧄} and L= RL = {}^{⧄} R.


Let 1\mathcal{E}_1, 2\mathcal{E}_2, 3\mathcal{E}_3 be three categories.


A functor

: 1× 2 3 \otimes : \mathcal{E}_1 \times \mathcal{E}_2 \to \mathcal{E}_3
  1. is called divisible on the left if for every A 1A \in \mathcal{E}_1 the functor A()A \otimes (-) has a right adjoint, to be denoted

    A\(): 3 2; A \backslash (-) : \mathcal{E}_3 \to \mathcal{E}_2 \,;
  2. is called divisible on the right if for every A 2A \in \mathcal{E}_2 the functor ()A(-) \otimes A has a right adjoint, to be denoted

    ()/A: 3 1; (-)/ A : \mathcal{E}_3 \to \mathcal{E}_1 \,;

If \otimes is divisble on both sides, then there are natural isomorphisms between the collections of morphisms

ABX A \otimes B \to X


BA\X B \to A\backslash X


AX/B. A \to X / B \,.

For every fMor( 1)f \in Mor(\mathcal{E}_1), gMor( 2)g \in Mor(\mathcal{E}_2) and X 3X \in \mathcal{E}_3 we have

f(X/g)g(f\X). f \,⧄\, (X/g) \;\; \Leftrightarrow \;\; g \,⧄\, (f \backslash X) \,.

If \mathcal{E} is a closed symmetric monoidal category, then its tensor product functor :×\otimes : \mathcal{E} \times \mathcal{E} \to \mathcal{E} is divisible on both sides, the two divisions coincide and are given by the internal hom [,]: op×[-,-] : \mathcal{E}^{op} \times \mathcal{E} \to \mathcal{E}

X/A[A,X]A\X. X/A \simeq [A,X] \simeq A\backslash X \,.


Let now 3\mathcal{E}_3 have finite colimits and let : 1× 2 3\otimes : \mathcal{E}_1 \times \mathcal{E}_2 \to \mathcal{E}_3 be a functor.


for f:ABf : A \to B in 1\mathcal{E}_1 and g:XYg : X \to Y in 2\mathcal{E}_2, write

AY⨿AXBXBY A \otimes Y \overset {A \otimes X} {\amalg} B \otimes X \longrightarrow B \otimes Y

for the induced pushout-product morphism, the canonical morphism out of the pushout induced from the commutativity of the diagram

AX BX AY BY. \array{ A \otimes X &\to& B \otimes X \\ \downarrow && \downarrow \\ A \otimes Y &\to& B \otimes Y } \,.

The pushout-product extends to a functor

¯: 1 I× 2 I 3 I, \bar \otimes : \mathcal{E}_1^I \times \mathcal{E}_2^I \to \mathcal{E}_3^I \,,

where C IC^I denotes the arrow category of CC.


If in the above situation 1\mathcal{E}_1 and 2\mathcal{E}_2 have finite limits and \otimes is divisble on both sides, def. , then also ¯\bar{\otimes} is divisible on both sides:

  1. for f:ABf : A \to B in 1\mathcal{E}_1 and g:XYg : X \to Y in 3\mathcal{E}_3, the left quotient is

    f\¯g:B\XB\Y× A\YA\X; f \bar \backslash g \;\colon\; B \backslash X \to B \backslash Y \times_{A \backslash Y} A \backslash X \,;
  2. for f:STf : S \to T in 2\mathcal{E}_2 and g:XYg : X \to Y in 3\mathcal{E}_3, the right quotient is

    g/¯f:X/TY/T× Y/SX/S; g \bar / f \;\colon\; X / T \to Y / T \times_{Y / S} X / S \,;

A key statement now is the following, characterizing the right lifting property again pushout product morphisms:


In the above situation, let 1\mathcal{E}_1, 2\mathcal{E}_2, 3\mathcal{E}_3 have all finite limits and colimits. For all uMor( 1)u \in Mor(\mathcal{E}_1), vMor( 2)v \in Mor(\mathcal{E}_2), fMor( 3)f \in Mor(\mathcal{E}_3) we have

(u¯v)fuf/¯vvu\¯f. (u \bar \otimes v) \,⧄\, f \;\; \Leftrightarrow \;\; u \,⧄\, f \bar /v \;\; \Leftrightarrow \;\; v \,⧄\, u \bar \backslash f \,.


Reedy theory

Let \mathcal{E} be a model category. Write Δ\Delta for the simplex category and sSet for the category of simplicial sets. In the Reedy model structure on the presheaf category [Δ op,][\Delta^{op}, \mathcal{E}] the following constructions are central.



:sSet×[Δ op,] \Box : sSet \times \mathcal{E} \to [\Delta^{op}, \mathcal{E}]

for the functor given by

(SX):nS nX. (S \Box X) : n \mapsto S_n \cdot X \,.


:[Δ,Set]×[Δ op,] \otimes : [\Delta, Set] \times [\Delta^{op}, \mathcal{E}] \to\mathcal{E}

for the functor given by the coend

SX= nΔS nX n. S \otimes X = \int^{n \in \Delta} S_n \cdot X_n \,.

(Here on the right we have the canonical tensoring of \mathcal{E} over Set, where S nX sS nXS_n \cdot X \simeq \coprod_{s \in S_n} X.)


The functor \Box is divisible on both sides.

Let X[Δ op,sSet]X \in [\Delta^{op}, sSet]. Then

  • the object Δ[n]\X\partial \Delta[n] \backslash X is the matching object of XX at stage nn;

  • the morphism (Δ[n]Δ[n])\X(\partial \Delta[n] \hookrightarrow \Delta[n]) \backslash X is the canonical morphism from X nX_n into the nn-matching object.

Let f:XYf : X \to Y be a morphism in [Δ op,sSet][\Delta^{op}, sSet]. Then

  • the relative matching morphism of ff at stage nn is

    (Δ[n]Δ[n])\¯f; (\partial \Delta[n] \hookrightarrow \Delta[n]) \bar \backslash f \,;
  • the object (Δ c)X(\partial \Delta^c) \otimes X is the latching object at stage nn;

  • the morphism (Δ cΔ)X(\partial \Delta^c \to \Delta)\otimes X is the canonical morphism out of the latching object into X nX_n;

  • the morphism (Δ cΔ)¯f(\partial \Delta^c \to \Delta) \bar \otimes f is the relative latching morphism of ff.


Last revised on April 23, 2023 at 11:36:05. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.