(characterizations of L-finite limits)
A category is -finite if the following equivalent conditions hold, which are all equivalent:
The terminal object of the functor category to Set is (-)compact.
-limits commute with filtered colimits in Set.
has an initial finitely generated? subcategory.
admits an initial functor from a finite category.1
-limits lie in the saturation of the class of finite limits.
(relation to K-finite sets)
The notion of L-finite category (Def. ) is a sort of categorification of the notion of K-finite set:
A set is -finite if the top element belongs to the closure of the singletons under finite unions.
A category is -finite if the terminal object belongs to the closure of the representables under finite colimits.
In Paré 1990, p. 741 (11 0f 16) this observation is attributed to Richard Wood.
(categories with initial objects are L-finite)
Any category with an initial object is L-finite, with the inclusion of the terminal category mapping to this initial object being an initial functor (by this exp.) as required by Def. .
There is a typo in Paré Prop. 7 in the statement of this equivalence: it says “final” instead of “initial”. ↩
Last revised on August 25, 2021 at 11:12:03. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.