nLab Loday-Pirashvili category

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Category theory



The LP category is a category whose Lie algebra objects are Leibniz algebras.


Given any category CC, one can define the arrow category Arr(C)\Arr(C) of CC, whose objects are morphisms in CC and whose morphisms are commutative squares. If CC is the category of vector spaces (or some other kk-linear closed symmetric monoidal category with equalizers) one can define the infinitesimal or Loday–Pirashvili (LP) tensor product on the category of arrows, as well as an inner hom, equipping the category ArrC\mathrm{Arr} C with a structure of a kk-linear closed symmetric monoidal category.

The LP-tensor product is

(f:V 1V 0)(g:W 1W 0):=(V 0g+fW 0:V 0W 1V 1W 0V 0W 0).(f:V_1\to V_0)\otimes (g:W_1\to W_0):= (V_0\otimes g + f\otimes W_0: V_0\otimes W_1 \oplus V_1\otimes W_0\to V_0\otimes W_0).

This is a truncation of the tensor product of chain complexes where V 1W 1V_1\otimes W_1 is dropped.

The inner hom is rather interesting: Hom(f,g)=(p:Hom 1(f,g)Hom 0(f,g))\mathbf{Hom}(f,g) = (p:\mathrm{Hom}_1(f,g)\to\mathrm{Hom}_0(f,g)), where Hom 0(f,g)\mathrm{Hom}_0(f,g) is the equalizer of two morphisms

hom(V 0,W 0)hom(V 1,W 1)hom(V 1,W 0), \mathrm{hom}(V_0,W_0)\oplus\mathrm{hom}(V_1,W_1)\to\mathrm{hom}(V_1,W_0),

namely precomposing the first summand with ff and postcomposing the second summand with gg (where hom\mathrm{hom} is the ordinary inner hom in CC), and where Hom 1(f,g)\mathrm{Hom}_1(f,g) is the equalizer of two morphisms

Hom 0(f,g)hom(V 0,W 1)Hom 0(f,g),\mathrm{Hom}_0(f,g)\oplus\mathrm{hom}(V_0,W_1)\to \mathrm{Hom}_0(f,g),

namely the identity and the map which replaces the lower component with the postcomposition by gg applied on hom(V 0,W 1)\mathrm{hom}(V_0,W_1) and keeps the upper component. Finally, pp is the natural projection.

In the case of vector spaces this means that we have diagonal lifts in squares such that the lower square commutes but not necessarily the upper, i.e. Hom(f,g)\mathrm{Hom}(f,g) is the space consisting of all triples (u 1,u 0,ϕ)(u_1,u_0,\phi) where u 1:V 1W 1u_1:V_1\to W_1, u 0:V 0W 0u_0:V_0\to W_0 and ϕ:V 0W 1\phi:V_0\to W_1 such that gu 1=u 0fg\circ u_1= u_0\circ f and u 0=gϕu_0=g\circ\phi while one does not require ϕf=u 1\phi\circ f=u_1.

There are a number of remarkable functors relating internal algebras in LP, Lie algebras in LP etc., to or from some other categories of algebras. For example the categories of left Leibniz algebras and of right Leibniz algebras embed as full subcategories into the category of internal Lie algebras in LP. This embedding has an adjoint. Notice that because of truncation, being a Lie algebra in LP is a bit less than a (strict) 22-Lie algebra (a requirement in degree 22 is dropped).

Literature and discussions

Last revised on May 23, 2020 at 17:04:12. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.