nLab Mario Tonin

Selected writings

On the superembedding approach for super p p -branes/Green-Schwarz sigma-models:

and in view of supersymmetry breaking:

On self-dual higher gauge fields:

On 10d supergravity and 10d super Yang-Mills theory:

On dual heterotic string theory:

On the Green-Schwarz sigma-model for the M5-brane:

Formulation of (Lagrangian densities for) type II supergravity with “democratic”/“pregeometricRR-fields subject to self-duality:

On super p-brane sigma models perturbed around the asymptotic boundary of their own black brane near horizon geometry (related to AdS-CFT duality):

category: people

Last revised on June 18, 2024 at 12:34:58. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.