Ralph Louis Cohen
not to be confused with Fred Cohen.
Ralph Cohen, p. 194 of: A Model for the Free Loop Space of a Suspension, in: Haynes Miller, Douglas Ravenel (eds.), Algebraic Topology, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1286, Springer 1985 (doi:10.1007/BFb0078743)
Gunnar Carlsson, Ralph Cohen, The cyclic groups and the free loop space, Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 62 (1987) 423–449 (doi:10.1007/BF02564455, dml:140092)
On Yang-Mills monopoles and braid groups:
On string topology:
Ralph Cohen, John R. Klein, Dennis Sullivan, The homotopy invariance of the string topology loop product and string bracket, J. of Topology 2008 1(2):391-408; doi
Ralph Cohen, Homotopy and geometric perspectives on string topology (pdf)
Ralph Cohen, John David Stuart Jones, A homotopy theoretic realization of string topology , Math. Ann. 324
(2002), no. 4, (arXiv:0107187)
Ralph Cohen, Veronique Godin, A Polarized View of String Topology (arXiv:math/0303003)
Ralph Cohen, Alexander Voronov, Notes on string topology, in: Ralph Cohen, Kathryn Hess, Alexander Voronov, String topology and cyclic homology, Advanced courses in mathematics CRM Barcelona, Birkhäuser 2006 (math.GT/05036259, doi:10.1007/3-7643-7388-1, pdf)
Ralph Cohen, John Jones, Gauge theory and string topology (arXiv:1304.0613)
On the homotopy type of spaces of rational maps and moduli spaces of monopoles related to braid groups:
Fred Cohen, Ralph Cohen, Benjamin M. Mann, R. James Milgram, The topology of rational functions and divisors of surfaces, Acta Math (1991) 166: 163 (doi:10.1007/BF02398886)
Ralph L. Cohen, Don H. Shimamoto, Rational Functions, Labelled Configurations, and Hilbert Schemes, Journal of the London Mathematical Socienty 43 2 (1991) 509-528 (doi:10.1112/jlms/s2-43.3.509)
Ralph Cohen, John D. S. Jones, Monopoles, braid groups, and the Dirac operator, Comm. Math. Phys. Volume 158, Number 2 (1993), 241-266 (euclid:cmp/1104254240)
Ralph L. Cohen, John D. S. Jones, Graeme B. Segal, Stability for holomorphic spheres and Morse theory, in: K. Grove, I. H. Madsen, E. K. Pedersen (eds.) Geometry and Topology: Aarhus, Contemporary Mathematics
Volume: 258 (2000) (arXiv:math/9904185, ISBN:978-0-8218-2158-9)
and more generally on moduli spaces:
On string topology (and Pontrjagin rings of based loop spaces) of complex projective spaces and n-spheres:
Last revised on March 17, 2025 at 13:13:01. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.