nLab intersection

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Category theory

Limits and colimits



An intersection is a meet of subsets or (more generally) subobjects. Dually, a cointersection is a union/join of cosubobjects.

This includes the traditional set-theoretic intersection of subsets of some ambient set, as well as intersections of completely which can be constructed as arbitrary sets (which are subsets of the universe) in material set theory.


In material set theory

In material set theory such as ZFC, the intersection of two sets AA and BB is

AB={xxA and xB}. A\cap B = \{ x \mid x\in A \;\text{ and }\; x\in B \}.

This makes sense for any two sets, but in practice it is usually used when AA and BB are both subsets of some ambient set XX.

In category theory

In a finitely complete category, the intersection of two monomorphisms AXA\hookrightarrow X and BXB\hookrightarrow X is the pullback of the cospan AXBA\to X \leftarrow B. This is, in particular, also a meet in the poset of subobjects of XX.

In a category that lacks all pullbacks, there is some question as to whether an intersection of subobjects should be defined as a pullback or as a meet in the poset of subobjects; the former implies the latter but not in general conversely.

Dually, the cointersection of two epimorphisms is their pushout.

Other arities

The nullary intersection of the subsets of XX is XX itself. Note that this does not make sense in material set theory until we fix an ambient set, since “the universe” is not a set.

A binary intersection is the intersection of two sets or subobjects, as defined above, and a finitary intersection is the intersection of finitely many sets or subobjects. By induction, intersections may be built out of binary and nullary intersections.

One can also define infinitary intersections, which can be constructed categorically as wide pullbacks.


Last revised on January 27, 2025 at 17:42:35. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.