nLab internal profunctor

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For any category \mathcal{E} with pullbacks, it is easy to define the notion of category in \mathcal{E}, and the definition of an internal functor between such is similarly straightforward. But it is not so obvious how to define presheaves on internal categories, because they must land in the ambient category \mathcal{E}.

The solution lies in thinking of presheaves on an ordinary category \mathcal{E}, and more generally profunctors CDC ⇸ D, as giving sets equipped with an action of the arrows of C,DC,D, i.e. as their categories of elements.


Let Span()\mathbf{Span}(\mathcal{E}) be the the bicategory of spans in a category \mathcal{E} with pullbacks. The bicategory Prof()\mathbf{Prof}(\mathcal{E}) of internal categories and profunctors in \mathcal{E} is defined to be the bicategory Mod(Span())\mathbf{Mod}(\mathbf{Span}(\mathcal{E})) of monads and modules in Span()\mathbf{Span}(\mathcal{E}).

An internal profunctor CDC \nrightarrow D between internal categories CC and DD is a module from CC to DD. An internal presheaf on CC, or an internal discrete fibration, is a module C1C \nrightarrow 1, where 11 is the discrete category on the terminal object of \mathcal{E}. Dually, an internal discrete opfibration is a module 1D1 \nrightarrow D.

An internal presheaf in \mathcal{E} is the same thing as an internal diagram in \mathcal{E}.


Let C=(s,C 1,t):C 0C 0C = (s, C_{1}, t) \colon C_{0} \nrightarrow C_{0} and D=(s,D 1,t):D 0D 0D = (s, D_{1}, t) \colon D_{0} \nrightarrow D_{0} be the underlying graphs of monads in the bicategory Span()\mathbf{Span}(\mathcal{E}), that is, CC and DD are internal categories in \mathcal{E}. Consider a span (f 0,M 0,g 0):C 0D 0(f_{0}, M_{0}, g_{0}) \colon C_{0} \nrightarrow D_{0} as a 11-cell in Span()\mathbf{Span}(\mathcal{E}).

A left CC-module consists of a morphism of spans λ:(s,C 1,t);(f 0,M 0,g 0)(f 0,M 0,g 0)\lambda \colon (s, C_{1}, t) ; (f_{0}, M_{0}, g_{0}) \Rightarrow (f_{0}, M_{0}, g_{0}), as depicted below, that is compatible with the unit and multiplication maps of the monad CC.


A left CC-module determines an internal category M CM_{C} and a span of internal functors CM Cdisc(D 0)C \leftarrow M_{C} \rightarrow \mathsf{disc}(D_{0}) whose left leg is an internal discrete fibration. The underlying morphism of internal graphs is depicted below.

A right DD-module consists of a morphism of spans ρ:(f 0,M 0,g 0);(s,D 1,t)(f 0,M 0,g 0)\rho \colon (f_{0}, M_{0}, g_{0}) ; (s, D_{1}, t) \Rightarrow (f_{0}, M_{0}, g_{0}), as depicted below, that is compatible with the unit and multiplication maps of the monad DD.


A right DD-module determines an internal category M DM_{D} and a span of internal functors disc(C 0)M DD\mathsf{disc}(C_{0}) \leftarrow M_{D} \rightarrow D whose right leg is an internal discrete opfibration. The underlying morphism of internal graphs is depicted below.

An internal profunctor (λ,ρ):CD(\lambda, \rho) \colon C \nrightarrow D, or module in Span()\mathbf{Span}(\mathcal{E}), between internal categories CC and DD consists of a span (f 0,M 0,g 0):C 0D 0(f_{0}, M_{0}, g_{0}) \colon C_{0} \nrightarrow D_{0} equipped with a left CC-module λ\lambda and a right DD-module ρ\rho which are compatible, in the sense that the following diagram commutes.

Last revised on May 17, 2024 at 12:18:13. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.