symmetric monoidal (∞,1)-category of spectra
A localization of a module is the result of application of an additive localization functor on a category of modules over some ring .
When is a commutative ring of functions, and under the interpretation of modules as generalized vector bundles the localization of a module corresponds to the restriction of the bundle to a subspace of its base space.
For a (possibly noncommutative) unital ring, let Mod be the category -modules. Here may be the structure sheaf of some ringed topos and accordingly the modules may be sheaves of modules.
Consider a reflective localization functor
with right adjoint . The application of this functor to a module is some object in the localized category , which is up to isomorphism determined by its image .
The localization map is the component of the unit of the adjunction (usually denoted by , or in this setup) .
Depending on an author or a context, we say that a (reflective) localization functor of category of modules is flat if either is also left exact functor, or more strongly that the composed endofunctor is exact. For example, Gabriel localization is flat in the first, weak sense, and left or right Ore localization is flat in the second, stronger, sense.
… Greenlees-May duality…
Suppose that is a smashing localization given by smash product with some spectrum . Write for the homotopy fiber
Then there is a fracture diagram of operations
where and are idempotent (∞,1)-monads and , are idempotent -comonad, the diagonals are homotopy fiber sequences.
(Charles Rezk, MO comment,August 2014)
For the Moore spectrum of the integers localized away from , then
and hence
is -completion;
is localization away from (-rationalization)
is forming -adic residual.
With (Bousfield 79, prop.2.5)
Let be an E-∞ ring and a finitely generated ideal of its underlying commutative ring.
An -∞-module is an -local module if for every -torsion module (def. ), the derived hom space
is contractible.
(Lurie “Completions”, def. 4.1.9).
For generated from a single element, then the localization of an (∞,1)-ring-map is given by the (∞,1)-colimit over the sequence of right-multiplication with
(Lurie “Completions”, remark 4.1.11)
There is a natural homotopy fiber sequence
relating -torsion approximation on the left with -localization on the right.
By the Eilenberg-Watts theorem, if Mod then the localization of a module
is given by forming the tensor product of modules with the localizatin of the ring , regarded as a module over itself.
If the localization is a left Ore localization or commutative localization at a set then is the localization of the ring itself and hence in this case the localization of the module
is given by extension of scalars along the localization map of the ring itself.
In these cases there are also direct constructions of (not using to ) which give an isomorphic result, also denoted by .
cohesion in E-∞ arithmetic geometry:
cohesion modality | symbol | interpretation |
flat modality | formal completion at | |
shape modality | torsion approximation | |
dR-shape modality | localization away | |
dR-flat modality | adic residual |
the differential cohomology hexagon/arithmetic fracture squares:
localization of a ring, Ore localization, Gabriel localization, Cohn localization
localization of a space (and of a spectrum)
localization of a category (= localization functor)
Standard discussion over commutative rings is for instance in
Discussion in the general case of noncommutative geometry is in
Discussion in the context of spectra originates in
Aldridge Bousfield, Daniel Kan, Homotopy limits, completions and localizations, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol 304, Springer 1972
Aldridge Bousfield, The localization of spectra with respect to homology , Topology vol 18 (1979) (pdf)
Dennis Sullivan, Geometric topology: localization, periodicity and Galois symmetry, volume 8 of K- Monographs in Mathematics. Springer, Dordrecht, 2005. The 1970 MIT notes, Edited and with a preface
by Andrew Ranicki (pdf)
Discussion in the context of higher algebra is in
Last revised on February 11, 2025 at 23:13:26. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.