Related concepts:
The longitude of a knot, or more generally of a component of a link, plays a crucial role in the link-theoretic approach to 3-manifolds by means of the Lickorish-Wallace theorem? and the Kirby calculus. It can be defined either geometrically or combinatorially.
The longitude of a knot or of a link component can be defined purely within diagrammatic knot theory. We describe this in this section.
Definition 2.1. Let be a component of a link diagram , viewed as defining a link with the blackboard framing?. Pick an orientation? of , and pick a point of . The longitude of with respect to and the chosen orientation of is the word in the free group of the set of arcs? of defined inductively as follows.
1) Begin at with the empty word.
2) Walk along following the orientation of until one reaches a crossing of which one approaches by means of an under-edge (one does not stop at crossings which one approaches and leaves by means of over-edges). If the orientations of the crossings are as follows, add to the end of the word obtained thus far.
If the orientations of the arcs of the crossing are instead as follows, add to the end of the word obtained thus far.
The arc is not required to, and may not, belong to .
3) Repeat Step 2) until we return to .
Remark 2.2. There is an alternative definition if one works with framed link diagrams?, which involves first replacing one’s original link diagram with one to which a certain number of twists (i.e. R1 moves) have been applied according to the framing, and then using Definition 2.1.
Example 2.3. Consider the trefoil with a chosen point and orientation as shown below. Labels have been chosen for the arcs.
The longitude of the trefoil with respect to and this orientation is then .
Example 2.4. Consider the Hopf link, in which both components have been equipped with a chosen point and an orientation as shown below. Labels have been chosen for the arcs.
The longitude of the component to which the arc belongs is . The longitude of the component to which the arc belongs is .
Remark 2.5. The longitude of a component of an oriented link diagram is unique up to rotation permutation: the longitude obtained using any one choice of is a rotation permutation of the longitude obtained using any other choice of .
When it comes to 3-manifolds, for example when describing the fundamental group, everything is typically invariant under rotation permutation. Thus it is usual to speak of the longitude of a component of an oriented link diagram.
Last revised on January 18, 2019 at 13:21:20. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.