square matrix
Linear algebra
linear algebra, higher linear algebra
ring, A-∞ ring
commutative ring, E-∞ ring
module, ∞-module, (∞,n)-module
field, ∞-field
vector space, 2-vector space
rational vector space
real vector space
complex vector space
topological vector space
linear basis,
orthogonal basis, orthonormal basis
linear map, antilinear map
matrix (square, invertible, diagonal, hermitian, symmetric, …)
general linear group, matrix group
eigenspace, eigenvalue
inner product, Hermitian form
Gram-Schmidt process
Hilbert space
1. Idea
A square matrix is an -matrix for .
Under matrix multiplication the square matrices for fixed with values in some commutative ring form the matrix algebra , inside which one finds matrix groups etc.
2. Properties
Gershgorin circle theorem
See at Gershgorin circle theorem.
Last revised on May 21, 2024 at 13:11:33.
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