nLab twisted arrow modality

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In simplicial type theory and related approaches to synthetic (infinity,1)-category theory, the twisted arrow construction is given by a modality () tw(-)^\mathrm{tw}. Unlike the twisted arrow construction in the usual analytic approaches to (infinity,1)-category theory like quasicategories or complete Segal spaces, the twisted arrow modality can be applied to any type by definition of modality, not just merely the complete Segal types.

Given a type AA, the nn-simplicies in A twA^\mathrm{tw} are equivalent to the (2n+1)(2n + 1)-simplicies in AA.

The twisted arrow modality is used in defining the (infinity,1)-Yoneda embedding.


Last revised on February 1, 2025 at 17:03:52. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.