Basic concepts
equivalences in/of -categories
Universal constructions
Local presentation
Extra stuff, structure, properties
The universal fibration of (∞,1)-categories is the generalized universal bundle of -categories in that it is Cartesian fibration
over the opposite category of the (∞,1)-category of (∞,1)-categories such that
its fiber over is just the -category itself;
every Cartesian fibration arises as the pullback of the universal fibration along an (∞,1)-functor .
Recall from the discussion at generalized universal bundle and at stuff, structure, property that for n-categories at least for low the corresponding universal object was the -category of pointed -categories. should at least morally be .
One description of the universal cartesian fibration is given in section 3.3.2 of HTT as the contravariant (∞,1)-Grothendieck construction applied to the identity functor .
We can also give a more direct description:
is equivalent to the full subcategory of spanned by the morphisms of the form for small (∞,1)-categories and objects .
The universal fibration is opposite to the target evaluation.
Dually, the universal cocartesian fibration is where is the (∞,1)-category of arrows of the form .
This is the proof idea of this mathoverflow post.
By proposition of Higher Topos Theory, there are presentable fibrations and classifying functors and .
By proposition of Higher Topos Theory, the yoneda embedding is a natural transformation, and the covariant Grothendieck construction provides a cocartesian functor . Since it is fiberwise fully faithful and preserves representable presheaves, we can identify with the full subcategory of consisting of the representable presheaves.
The Grothendieck construction provides a fully faithful whose essential image is the right fibrations. The contravariant Grothendieck construction a cartesian functor . Since it is fiberwise fully faithful and pullbacks preserve right fibrations, we can identify with the full subcategory of spanned by right fibrations.
By the relationship between the covariant and contravariant Grothendieck constructions, the universal cartesian fibration is classified by .
A key point of this description is that for any small (∞,1)-category , the functor (where acts by composition) is a fully faithful functor . Dually, is a fully faithful functor
The universal cocartesian fibration can also be viewed as a full -subcategory of , whose hom-categories can be given explicitly:
The hom-categories of the universal cocaretsian fibration are given by the comma category
where is the evaluation
Consider the diagram
The square on the right is a pullback, because the inclusion of the terminal object is a right anodyne? and is a right fibration, e.g. by Higher Topos Theory prop So by the pasting law for pullbacks, the induced map of fibers
is an equivalence of -categories.
This should be compared with the lax slice 2-category construction. In fact, can be constructed by taking the underlying (∞,1) category of the lax coslice (or colax, depending on convention) over the point of the (∞,2)-category of (∞,1)-categories.
The universal fibration of -categories restricts to a Cartesian fibration over ∞Grpd by pullback along the inclusion morphism
The ∞-functor is even a right fibration and it is the universal right fibration. In fact it is (when restricted to small objects) the object classifier in the (∞,1)-topos ∞Grpd, see at object classifier – In ∞Grpd.
The universal left fibration is the forgetful functor . Its opposite is the universal right fibration.
(Lurie 2009, Prop,, Cisinski 2019, Sec. 5.2, for the further restriction to the universal Kan fibration see also Kapulkin & Lumsdaine 2021)
The following are equivalent:
An ∞-functor is a right Kan fibration.
Every functor that classifies as a Cartesian fibration factors through ∞-Grpd.
There is a functor that classifies as a right Kan fibration.
This is proposition in HTT.
For concretely constructing the relation between Cartesian fibrations of (∞,1)-categories and (∞,1)-functors one may use a Quillen equivalence between suitable model categories of marked simplicial sets.
For an (∞,1)-category regarded as a quasi-category (i.e. as a simplicial set with certain properties), the two model categories in question are
the projective global model structure on simplicial presheaves on – this models the (∞,1)-category of (∞,1)-functors .
the covariant model structure on the over category – this models the -category of Cartesian fibrations over .
The Quillen equivalence between these is established by the relative nerve? construction
By the adjoint functor theorem this functor has a left adjoint
For a left Kan fibration the functor sends to the fiber
(See remark of HTT).
fibration of (∞,1)-categories?
Textbook accounts:
Jacob Lurie, Section 3.3.2 of: Higher Topos Theory, Annals of Mathematics Studies 170, Princeton University Press 2009 (pup:8957, pdf)
(the concrete description in terms of model theory on marked simplicial sets is in section 3.2. A simpler version of this is in section 2.2.1)
Denis-Charles Cisinski, Section 5.2 of: Higher Categories and Homotopical Algebra, Cambridge University Press 2019 (doi:10.1017/9781108588737, pdf)
(the universal left fibration)
The direct description of the universal fibration is discussed at
Discussion of the universal Kan fibration as a categorical semantics for a univalent type universe in homotopy type theory:
Discussion of fibrations via (∞,2)-category theory
On the categorical semantics of homotopy type theory in simplicial sets/-groupoids:
Discussion of straightening and unstraightening entirely within the context of quasi-categories:
which (along the lines of the discussion of the universal left fibration from Cisinski 2019) allows to understand the universal coCartesian fibration as categorical semantics for the univalent type universe in directed homotopy type theory:
(see video 3 at 1:16:58 and slide 3.33).
Last revised on March 18, 2025 at 02:33:08. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.