This is the home page of the Topology Group in the Math department at Radboud University, Nijmegen (NL).
Members of our group do research in several different topics in topology, such as the theory of operads, Poisson and symplectic geometry, foliation theory, topological field theory and higher category theory, theory of stacks and gerbes, non-commutative geometry and many others. We also study applications of topological methods in logic, including topos theory.
More information about research of individual members of the group can be found below.
tenured staff
PhD students
I am interested in stable homotopy theory and abstract homotopy theory. In particular, I am interested in the theory of and the relation between different models from higher category theory as there are among others model categories, ∞-categories and derivators.
I study algebraic structures arising in geometry and theoretical physics. A lot of my past work concerned Courant algebroids, a kind of higher (string-theoretic) analogue of Poisson structures familiar in particle mechanics. I have applied the theory of supermanifolds to obtain a streamlined description of these and other structures as various kinds of differential graded manifolds. More recently, I became interested in homotopical algebra and higher category theory, specifically in the homotopy theory of differential graded manifolds and higher differentiable stacks.
I am interested in higher differential cohomology and higher Chern-Weil theory in the context of higher geometry. This topic has many applications in fundamental physics.
Research on dendroidal sets and generalized cohomology.
Currently we are running the following seminars and colloquia.
starts Nov 2011
This is an introductory seminar for students. It introduces the notion of simplicial sets and techniques for working with them. Towards the end of the seminar the notion of a model category structure on simplicial sets is motivated.
Tuesdays, 11:00-12:00 in room HG01.057
The members of the math department are running a seminar on topics in category theory.
Wednesdays from 2pm to 4pm in room HG 03-085
A research seminar on algebraic topology and related subjects, intended for interested staff members and advanced students with some background in algebraic topology. The plan is to begin with a series of lectures by Moritz Groth on derivators. After that, we plan to study (parts of) Dominic Joyce‘s paper on algebraic geometry over C-∞ rings, and presumably move a bit in the direction of derived differential geometry.
QVEST seminar on topology and geometry
A quarterly seminar with international guest speakers on topics in topology and geometry.