nLab Author — Kevin Lin

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Kevin Lin has contributed to 40 nLab pages.

Most recent contributions

formal dg-algebra 10:30:12, August 31 2014
noncommutative Hodge structure 10:30:11, August 31 2014
operad 10:30:11, August 31 2014
GAGA 10:30:10, August 31 2014
hypercohomology 10:30:10, August 31 2014
curvature 10:30:10, August 31 2014
hypercohomology 10:30:10, August 31 2014
higher direct image 10:30:10, August 31 2014
Riemann-Hilbert correspondence 10:30:10, August 31 2014
Ehresmann's theorem 10:30:10, August 31 2014
separated morphism of schemes 10:30:10, August 31 2014
proper morphism 10:30:10, August 31 2014
submersion 10:30:10, August 31 2014
Calabi-Yau variety 10:30:10, August 31 2014
Frobenius algebra 10:30:10, August 31 2014
de Rham complex 10:30:10, August 31 2014
Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg theorem 10:30:10, August 31 2014
complex geometry 10:30:10, August 31 2014
Dmitry Kaledin 10:30:10, August 31 2014
D-branes > history 10:30:10, August 31 2014
formal deformation quantization 10:30:10, August 31 2014
formal deformation quantization 10:30:10, August 31 2014
Poisson manifold 10:30:10, August 31 2014
Kontsevich formality 10:30:10, August 31 2014
deformation theory 10:30:10, August 31 2014
Hochschild cohomology 10:30:10, August 31 2014
Kontsevich formality 10:30:10, August 31 2014
deformation theory 10:30:09, August 31 2014
local ring 10:30:09, August 31 2014
Calabi-Yau category 10:30:09, August 31 2014

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