nLab Author — Mamuka Jibladze


Mamuka Jibladze has contributed to 30 nLab pages.

Most recent contributions

Grothendieck's Galois theory 15:14:02, June 16 2024
Borel-Weil theorem 16:46:17, March 08 2024
pretopos 11:09:17, February 28 2024
Hecke correspondence 10:24:13, July 23 2023
Weil uniformization theorem 07:08:58, April 04 2023
infinitesimal singular simplicial complex 09:48:42, October 10 2022
state-field correspondence 06:25:34, December 25 2021
G-topology 12:22:50, May 28 2021
Witten conjecture 18:51:16, May 27 2021
orbit 13:36:39, August 27 2020
Artin gluing 18:04:51, June 17 2020
Deligne line bundle 20:43:16, April 10 2020
Chern character 19:55:27, December 16 2019
BDR 2-vector bundle 21:06:50, December 13 2019
Sandbox 19:35:10, November 11 2019
equivariant elliptic cohomology 15:40:00, May 19 2019
Inclusion Sandbox 04:34:10, May 11 2019
factorization algebra 04:11:52, May 11 2019
protomodular category 13:39:09, February 21 2019
Goodwillie calculus 06:40:13, September 22 2018
Lie algebra homology 11:12:00, August 22 2018
Chevalley-Eilenberg chain complex 11:04:39, August 22 2018
noncommutative symmetric function 08:00:41, July 13 2018
Macdonald polynomial 05:01:09, July 13 2018
profinite completion of a group 17:07:01, December 25 2017
axiom of replacement 06:58:26, May 16 2017
dual bialgebra 19:29:42, May 05 2017
standard Courant algebroid 09:20:42, May 05 2016
Courant algebroid 20:32:07, April 30 2016
De Morganization 22:14:53, April 27 2016

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