is the (∞,1)-category of ∞-groupoids, i.e. of (∞,0)-categories. This is the archetypical (∞,1)-topos, the home of classical homotopy theory.
Equivalently this means all of the following:
is the simplicial localization of the category Top of (weakly Hausdorff) locally compact topological spaces at the weak homotopy equivalences. As such it is the ∞-category-enhancement of the classical homotopy category: Ho(Top), itself presented by the classical model structure on topological spaces: .
is the simplicial localization of the category sSet of simplicial sets at the simplicial weak homotopy equivalences. As such it is the ∞-category-enhancement of the classical homotopy category: Ho(sSet), itself presented by the classical model structure on simplicial sets: .
Hence, as a Kan-complex enriched category (a fibrant object in the model structure on sSet-categories) is the full sSet enriched-subcategory of sSet on the Kan complexes.
is the full sub-(∞,1)-category of (∞,1)Cat on those (∞,1)-categories that are ∞-groupoids.
As an (∞,1)-topos is the terminal -topos: for every other (∞,1)-sheaf (∞,1)-topos there is up to a contractible space of choices a unique geometric morphism – the global section geometric morphism. See there for more details.
Limits and colimits over a (∞,1)-functor with values in may be reformulation in terms of the universal fibration of (infinity,1)-categories.
Let the (∞,1)-functor be the universal ∞-groupoid fibration whose fiber over the object denoting some -groupoid is that very -groupoid.
Then let be any ∞-groupoid and
an (∞,1)-functor. Recall that the coCartesian fibration classified by is the pullback of the universal fibration of (∞,1)-categories along F:
Proposition. Let the assumptions be as above. Then:
The colimit of is equivalent to :
The limit of is equivalent to the (∞,1)-groupoid of sections of
Proof. The statement for the colimit is corollary in HTT. The statement for the limit is corollary ▮
The n-truncated objects of are the n-groupoids (including (-1)-groupoids and the (-2)-groupoid).
Last revised on August 3, 2020 at 06:56:58. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.